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You have grown through the years as we watch you become stronger. You, Katie, will change the very nature of this world. You showed us how your star shines. We absolutely will not be able to live without your beautiful smile. The light in your eyes that fills the room. The heart you support is without doubt the most special within us all. You have a spark in your mind, thus soon creating a flame representing your future. Big and bright you show us all. Thank you Katie. Thank you for the hope when in rough times. And thank you for being the best person you can be... Yourself. We love you with not just the bottom but the whole heart. Without you walking up on that stand we would still be rooting you on. The coat you wear, red, highlighting your magnificent hair. Unleashing those hope filled eyes and yet. The biggest of them all it shows us out education. You smarty pants just keep going. Run till your out of breath, then breath and keep running. I love you Katie. Congratulations, thank you, and we love you. Thank you. You have done over expected that is why we are just saying thanks!d For everything and what's coming. Your not a baby anymore, child is out. You are an adult. You may still remain the one that we can't live without... Our baby. Katie love you and thank you. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2013 ⏰

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