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There once was a tale of Seven Stones
That only powerful guardians can hone
There was Aquatica, the stone of the sea
The stone that makes the guiltiest of men free
Crystal, the stone of all things cold and that freeze
The stone that bring men down to their knees
Haunt, the stone of darkness and death
The stone that withdraws mans final breath
Boulder, the stone of earth
The stone that tests what all men are worth
Zapades, the stone of lightning and thunder
The stone that makes men fear and wonder
Luna, the stone of the moon
The jewel of the night that makes men croon
Lastly, Ember, the stone of fire
The stone used to burn men at the pyre
Everything was well until one night
An evil demigod of Nemesis named Twilight
Attempted to steal the stones of power
She murdered the guardians of the gems
Only to find that the stones were missing in the end
She burnt down the town
So that there was no proof of Pine Hallow to be found.
To this day
There were only two maps made
While Twilight waits
For everything to fall into place

~ The Tale of the Seven Stones


It was cold outside. The snow slowly fell from the sky, blanketing the once grassy ground and making it a pure white color. The same is to be said of the roofs of houses and other buildings in the small town of Pine Hallow.

Pine Hallow is a town for demigods of all kinds to be safe. No monsters could harm them, spirits of the dead couldn't haunt them, and not even the gods could bother them here. The town itself was very peaceful as well. No one fought or committed crimes, so there was no need for any type of law enforcers or jails. Their wasn't even an army. Just a community of peaceful people.

Of course, nothing good can last forever.

The Seven Stones of power were kept in Pine Hallow. The Seven Stones of Power were something that everyone outside of Pine Hallow wanted. So a guardian was appointed to each stone. Only the strongest of demigods were chosen everytime the old guardian would die.

At the moment, all of them were getting ready for their monthly meeting.

Derek Whitemen, the guardian of the fire stone Ember, pulled on his jacket in the entry way of his house.

"Daddy" a little voice called.

Derek turned to see his four year old son, Jonathan, standing behind him. Jonathan looked at his father with big, sad looking, eyes.

"What's the matter Jonathan" Derek asked his son. He kneeled down in attempted to match his son's height but was unsuccessful.

"Where are you going. I don't want you to go" Jonathan said, sniffling.

"Just to a meeting. Don't worry, I'll be back soon. I'll even bring those chocolate caramels you like so we can celebrate your birthday this afternoon" Derek promised his son. Jonathan nodded with tears in his eyes.

Derek smiled at him and picked up his son. Jonathan only wrapped his arms around his father and cried softly into his shoulder. A steady stream of steam flowed from Derek's shoulder. Jonathan was very attached to his father. He didn't like it when Derek left for meetings or went out to the market. Derek always thought that Jonathan didn't like being left alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2016 ⏰

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