Chapter Five; Church

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I woke up way later than I meant to, which meant Coy wasn't getting a bath before church. I quickly got myself out of bed and went into Briar's room to wake him up. He got up without a fuss, like usual and started getting himself ready.

"Coy time to get up baby. We're going to church with Miss Becky, Kolby, and Brantley today." I said lightly shaking him.

Coy sat up slowly rubbing his eyes and stretched his little body, "Brantley?"

I nodded, "Yes baby. Miss Becky and Kolby too."

He got a big smile on his face, "Let's go!" He climbed out of his bed and hurried over to his closet.

I laughed and walked over before he started digging through his clothes, "You have to dress nice baby boy."

Coy pouted a little, "I has to?"

I nodded, "Yes baby." I got out a pair of black jeans, a blue and white button up, and got his black boots out, "Let's get you dressed." I got Coy ready for church and fixed his hair for him, "Brush your teeth while I get ready."

I looked through my closet and decided on a long sleeved black dress that I impulsively bought one day. I slipped it on and looked at myself in the mirror, it was a little on the tight side but it would have to do. I didn't have time to change, I pulled a pair of heels that weren't "fuck me pumps" but also kind of screamed "preachers daughter". I slipped them on and met the boys downstairs.

"Woah! Mommy you pretty!" Coy yelled when I reached the kitchen.

I smiled, "Thank you, handsome." I looked at Briar and was very impressed, "Wow, look at you. Trying to impress somebody?"

Briar smiled and rolled his eyes, "Yeah I am."

I raised my eyebrows, "And who would that be?"

"Miss Becky." Briar said grinning before grabbing the keys and running out the door.

I shook my head and grabbed Brantley's sweatshirt, "Come on baby boy. We gotta go." I said reaching my hand out to Coy.


When we got to church I saw Brantley's truck in the back of the parking lot and pulled in the spot beside it. To my surprise he was still sitting in the drivers seat, Briar was out of the car before I even shut it off.

"Hurry! I gotta see Bantley!" Coy said kicking his feet.

"Brantley." I said correcting him.

He scrunched up his face, "I said that."

I shook my head and grabbed my purse before getting out, I was getting Coy out of his seat when I heard more people. As soon as Coy's feet hit the pavement he was running to Brantley.

"He really likes my boy." I heard Miss Becky say.

I turned around and smiled, "They both do."

Miss Becky smiled, "I'm glad. You look very nice by the way."

"Really? You don't think it's too much?" I asked.

She shook her head, "Not at all."

Brantley and Kolby walked over to their mom and I, Brantley was carrying Coy and smiling at him, "Is he talking your ear off?" I asked.

Brantley looked over at me and very obviously looked me up and down before answering, "Nah. Just tellin me a story."

I smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind me ear, "Good. I wasn't sure what to expect."

Brantley grinned and headed towards the church. I chanced a look at Miss Becky and she had a smile from ear to ear stretched across her face, "I'm not the only one who thinks you look nice."

My eyes widened, "Miss Becky!"

She busted into a fit of laughter and Kolby chimed in, "We all saw it, Bai."

I hid my face in my hands and walked to the church to get out of that. I found Brantley standing by some guy talking, while Coy was messing with Brantley's gauge. I walked over and took Coy out of Brantley's arms, "Your mom and brother are relentless."

Brantley looked my way, "What're those two up to now?" He asked.

I shook my head, "Nothing you need to worry about."

Brantley nodded, "Bailie, this is my buddy Eli. We've been friends for awhile now."

I smiled and held my hand out, "Hey, it's nice to meet you."

He shook my hand, "You too. Is that big guy yours?"

I looked at Coy and smiled, "He sure is. I have another one running around here somewhere."

We all talked until Miss Becky told us we needed to find seats. I ended up sitting next to Brantley and I'm sure Miss Becky had a lot to do with that. Coy kept switching between sitting in my lap or Brantley's but I certainly wasn't going to complain, he was quiet and that's what mattered most to me.

After the service we all gathered back by our vehicles, this time with Eli and a girl I learned is his wife, Ashleigh.

"I'm thinkin of havin a little cookout at my place. Whatcha guys think?" Brantley asked everyone.

"Yeah! You told me you would let me shoot your guns." Briar said excitedly.

I laughed and looked up at Brantley, "You aren't getting out of that."

He shrugged, "I don't mind an excuse to shoot."

Before we all parted ways Brantley told me how to get to his house since I needed to take the boys home so we could all change first, "See you in a bit." He said leaning in my window.

I smiled, "You will."

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