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I love the rain.  its my favorite type of weather,  if it could rain all day everyday i would Probably be the happiest person in the world.

living in California doesn't give me that luxury. i wish it did but it doesn't,  i think thats what makes this situation so bittersweet. 

my parents have decided that our family would be better off halfway across the world.

i don't know why, because they refuse to tell me anything important. so as always i'm left in the dark 

it was so unexpected. one day they say that i have to come home from my best friend Roses house early so they can speak to me, now i know just by they way they said it, it definitely would't be anything good on my end. 

despite what i was told, i got home pretty late, but sure enough there they were, sitting  in the living room on the couch watching old reruns of family feud,waiting for me to get home.  they never wait up for me. thats how i new this was important and that i was either in trouble or there would definitely be trouble soon.

My first instinct was to run.

my second was to slowly creep back out the way i came.

then i remembered that i hadn't done anything wrong that i know of, so i shouldn't be in trouble.

my last decision was to make my way into the living room and talk with my parents.

i mean if i hadn't done anything wrong it couldn't be that bad could it?

I walked over to my parents and quietly took a seat in the one person couch across from my parents who were on the love seat together.

"parents?" i said humorously. they looked up at me shocked, i guess , that they hadn't heard me come in.  

shock turned to annoyance at my smug expression "we told you to come home hours ago rain, this is very important." my dad said shaking his head. my mother just continued to watch the television.

"i'm sorry daddy i lost track of time, i fell asleep at Roses house. it wont happen again i promise." i said though i'm most definitely sure that it would. maybe even as soon as tomorrow.

" i know it won't" my father said facing  me with a knowing smirk.

" what do you mean dad?" i asked i was starting to get nervous 

" i know it wont happen again because we are moving to England. next weak." he looked at me with a blank face.

my heart dropped. what the hell did he mean we were moving to England next weak? 

was he on drugs? 

he can't just pick up my life, our lives in the middle of the school year. i'm a senior for crying out loud i can't just leave. what about prom, and Ronnie my boyfriend? 

No, i wasn't going to give up my life to move half way across the world, and for what?  some other promotion that my dad will loose just to have to move again?  

i don't think so.

"your funny dad." i said through gritted teeth.

" how could you do something like that, i'm a senior dad this is my last year. what type of nerd would i look like moving to a completely different school with only six months of school left. no i'm not moving this is crazy, your crazy. i re-" 

" this isn't about you rain, this is for your brother. think about someone other than yourself for once in your goddamn life will you? my son is dying i couldn't care less about your senior year or your stupid teenage life." my father was steaming by now. i knew he meant every word he said to me and he wasn't going to apologize. he had always cared more for my brother than me even before my brother David got sick. it had always been the way it was and i don't think it would change anytime soon

my mother finally looked up at me. her eyes apologizing i my fathers stead.

i knew there was no point in arguing now. but it was worth a try. 

i turned around and walked to my room slamming the door and sitting on my bed just as a single tear slipped down my cheek.

i don't usually cry but today i am making an exception.

i guess i'm moving to England. yay...

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