The "Lovely" past

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         Life started when she was cut out of her mother uterus, after being held prisoner for a roughly 9 months. Her 34 year old mother had a bad addition of cocaine and smoking cigarettes. Her name was Melody, she was born with a medical condition, jaundice. It turned the skin a pale yellow color, some cases it was the whites of the eye; for her it was her new warm soft skin. When she was put to be washed of the blood she cried out for the gentle cuddles of both parents. Sadly the father was not there to watch. Not there to watch his baby girl grow up. To watch her crawl for the first time and to see her first steps. Not to see her on her first day of preschool and to she her graduation. He wasn't there for her, maybe to reach out for her when mom is at work. But when she's old enough, does she want to find and know who he is?
          The mother was told to be clean of drugs if she wanted to keep her child. Of course, she would do anything for her third child. So she agreed to do this as her child is getting her shots. It'll be hard to just go cold turkey, exactly why she didn't really quit her drug addiction, but she will do it. She still had just a little left in her stash that would have to be thrown away. Ann's two brothers were excited to have a little sister arrive. The oldest, Dustin, 19 years old would watch her and take care of her while mother was away at work. Patrick, 10 years old would help watch her or go to a friends house. Melody looked up to Dustin as a father figure and loved him so. Her mom, Lindy had Dustin at 15 and Patrick at 24.
         After a year Lindy got back to her addiction of drugs and would take some money out of her check she received from work. She only claims that the way she is like this is because of Patrick's father. When they were together he would abuse her and call her fat. She lost weight for him because she wanted to believe he loved him. He still called her ugly and would cheat, Lindy didn't know. She cried and just did the house work in their home. Lindy caught him cheating because she was suspicious he was with another girl. This was after Patrick was born about a couple years later. The wooden bat she picked up that hit him several times. Tired of what she went through she beat him until her ran off. She moved with her two sons to this different house. She actually loved him with all her heart and he just didn't even care, what a douche bag.
Dustin and Patrick didn't speak much of their pasts nor did Melody remember as much. Dustin was a good person, caring and had many interest with the gods and goddesses also other mythical creatures. When he was seventeen he got a tattoo of a goddess on his back. It took up most of his back, basically the center. That was when he was a bit overweight, now the tattoo takes up his left shoulder blade. He has been working out to get in shape. Dustin was attracted to the same sex, he was gay and once had a boyfriend. He doesn't date much but have had sex with a couple other guys about 2 years after his break up. His ex boyfriend, Hans stayed at Dustin's until he found out Hans was cheating. Dustin said he would laugh like Spongebob Squarepants, Melody found that very funny. Hans also bit Dustin hard on the shoulder, not in a sexual way Dustin had to push Hans off him. He believed in Greek gods and goddesses.
       Patrick would steal money from his mom, he said she got extra money from dealing drugs for other dealers. Once, he stole some money and brought a fishing pole and bags of candy. He told his Grandpa he had earned that money, so he could get the ride to Walmart. Like Dustin, Patrick had ADHD and was a bit bipolar as they were growing up. He also claims that one of Lindy's dealers gave him a lot of money, he went to school and showed it off to the kids their. He got in trouble because a teacher thought he stole it. In his freshman year for the homecoming dance he asked this pretty girl to go with him. But he came home and said she puked up noodles on him, well that's embarrassing.
       Melody already had her 6th birthday just like her past ones from previous years. Barely remembering, her mother was sent to jail for drugs. Melody was sent to live with her uncle and aunt for two years. She was alright for this change, something new and exciting to investigate. But it wasn't all as she had planned in her little imagination land. Her aunt Connie was strict, no candy at all, basically no sweets unless it's for an occasion, bed time at 8, and no TV while doing homework. This was gonna be hard for little Melody to handle, what a disaster! Her uncle Jim, the hero! The one who would sneak her candy, break the rules behind the monster!
         Aunt Connie had two sister and one had a daughter that was two years younger than Melody. They would play and do a lot of things together, best friends forever! Sadly Melody had to transfer her school so it was easier for transportation. She didn't really care because she would regain her 'popularity', psh. A year past, Melody was missing her mother so bad she cried at night. But to be sure no one heard she cried in her big teddy bear. Crying herself to sleep she felt lonely, lost without her mom. The next day she woke up smiled and played, as if nothing were wrong. Melody would get calls once in a while from her mom, hearing her voice made it worst. Sometimes she was holding back her tears, her voiced cracking. Other times she was happy, and others she was actually crying. Tears falling to the ground like light rain slowly falling one after another then all at once.... they fell. She was seven years old, her mom about to be released.
        Her grandma was dying, just of old age ( not really, she's 70 ) and her diabetes. Something was wrong and they had to cut off her left leg, to the knee. Melody would visit her often remembering when they went to the park and got ice cream. Or just simply chilling at the house and watching Dora and listening to Grandma read from the Holy Bible. Good memories, just not as many. Bad enough Melody doesn't have a dad and now she won't have a grandma.
        About the last week of May her mom came home, but a week before Melody got to stay with her brother. She came home from school and dropped her bag to the floor. She sighed and closed the door, behind the door was someone special. Her mother said "Boo!", Melody jumped up and screamed, smiling she went into her mother's arms. Her brothers sat on the couch with a warm smile. Lindy had lost some weight during her stay in the cold cell.
        A few weeks later Melody was out of school and was up early playing with her toys. She was making not as loud of noise but was lost in her imagination. Her mother was sleeping on the couch and opened her eyes, she pulled Melody roughly by her jaw. She tightened her grip and started to yell, "I'm trying to fucking sleep, you little brat!". Tears formed in Melody's eyes and Lindy threw Melody back on the ground, she started to cry as her mother went back to sleep.
         Kids love getting in trouble, though they never thought that is was troubling. For instance Melody would get the baby powder and mix it with water. It made a paste and Melody thought she was the best Baker, she painted the walls in it and put her small toys in the thick paste. When it dried she has a hard time cleaning it up but managed. Or that time when she got on the bathroom sink to look in the mirror, she was a small thin child but the sunk broke completely off. Water was spraying everywhere and Melody ran up the stair to grab her baby blank et and hugged it. Her mom got up and saw water everywhere and called get landlord. This wasn't little Lindy but 16 year old Patrick who rushed down on the stairs' railing. It popped off the wall and Patrick came rolling down the last 4 steps. He even punched a hole in the wall from anger, Dustin broke his bedroom door. Let's not forget when Melody got really mad at her friend for not sharing her dolls she pounded on the window until it broke. She ran to the bathroom and washed her finger out that was impaled with glass. She did cry but had to go tell her mom and went to the hospital to get stitches.
         The memories faded in Melody's mind, she laid away on her bed. Just staring at the dark ceiling in boredom. The Christmas lights she had hanged in her wall flickered light into her small room. Her birthday is in about three months, she is finally turning 15. Just thinking of these memories were slightly nice but she hated the past. Melody stood up and checked her Twitter on her laptop, to see what her YouTubers she subcribers to were doing with her life. It was 3 AM and she fell asleep at her computer, the light shining in her face and her body sprawled out like a starfish in her bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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