Chapter 1: Secret Plan

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"Damn it Dinah!" Ally hissed from across the poorly lit bus, to the taller girls equally as crammed but almost unbelievably cluttered bunk. "Those two idiots are still up when we all know they're the first two that have to be up tomorrow. It's our first jingle ball! How are we supposed to spread the holiday cheer if 2/5 of us look dead on stage?!" Ally waited a few seconds before repeating the girls name in a hushed irritated breath until she was met with a loud snore in return from the youngest girl. "Fuck." The oldest hissed again in frustration.

"That makes 3/5 that are going to look dead tomorrow!" Ally announced to no one in particular as she hoped down from her top bunk. The loud thump woke up Normani who had just recently drifted to sleep while trying to pretend that she was already sleeping to avoid being the one who had to get those two to settle down. This job had quickly become the three girls least favorite part of being back on the road. Before it was cute but they soon realized they'd rather be forced to share food with each other (the real worst part of being on tour to the girls was definitely all of the sharing, especially when it came to 'sharing' with Normani).

"And that..... Makes 4." Normani grumbled as she forcefully removed her silk eye mask and fluffy pink fleece blanket. Swinging her feet off of the side of her tidy bunk in the middle row and gracefully landing in her even pinkier and fluffier slippers waiting for her, she was on her way to assist Ally and snap a few bones if needed. But mostly because she was NOT about to start this tour off with the same ridiculous amount of sleep she received when their last tour came to an end. Ally didn't have to turn around to know who was behind her considering whoever it was was quiet enough and not clumsy enough to trip and shake the entire bus and or break something in the process (because not so surprisingly it has happened before with these five girls around) and because almost nothing could wake Dinah Jane.

"Oh hey girlies" "GOOD MORNING SUNSHINES" "hi girls, you both look great!" Was all Ally and Normani heard when the entered the expensive tour buses small living room space. Upon hearing three voices instead of the two they expected they immediately knew who the other belonged to and brightened up a bit. "Hi, thank you Ari but Camila and Lauren must be going now. Jingle ball starts tomorrow!" She exclaimed with a light clap and a excited hop to show just how excited she was, she quickly remembered why she was there and ended her celebration just as quickly as I started. "And we can't get any sleep with these two laughing and screaming at the top of their lungs. You know the busy life of us pop stars." Ally joked back, she's never been one to hold a grudge but considering it was past 2am having a little attitude was to be expected. "Oh shit I forgot what time it was there y'all must be exhausted! But anyway I have a show soon so I should be going too, you know us pop stars!" Ariana winked back through the screen directly past the two brunette who previously had all of her attention and straight to Ally. "Sorry for being so incredibly entertaining ladies, we'll talk later." "10 MINUTES UNTIL SHOW TIME GRANDE, HURRY OR THE CROWD WILL START WITHOUT YOU" was heard briefly on Ariana's end of the call before her usually small brown eyes turned back towards the screen a with a dramatic eyebrow raise signal lying to the girls not to worry about her getting in trouble like she knew they would. All four sleepy girls were lazily watching her do this and smiled in understanding. "Have a good show cuties, continue being the biggest girl group on the planet you young powerful things you." Ariana quickly giggled back through the tiredness in her own eyes. "Yeah yeah you too grande, good luck tonight oh and that music you showed us is fucking amazing! I can't wait for everyone to hear it and die like we did" Lauren gushed trying to remain as smooth as she could. "We'll see you in Miami right?" Camila quickly added while jumping up and down in her seat causing Lauren to fall off of the bench they shared in a loud thump. That definitely woke up Normani who was quietly dozing off on the seat behind them, she was still close enough to hear everything that was going on but far enough from the camera that Ariana wouldn't see just how exhausted this tour had them.

All five of the girls bursts into laughter at the sight. "I'll try my very best OH SHIT WAIT ALLY!" Ariana blurted out in one breathe "I have to go like now but you my love have a very important job since Dinah isn't awake right now." "Sure Ari I'll do anyth..." "ARIANA YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES UNTIL JAPAN TAKES OVER THIS SHOW FOR YOU, IM NOT KIDDING!" The same voiced boomed into the small room Ariana was currently hiding away in cutting ally off mid sentence, this time with much more urgency in its tone. "OK SCOOTER WAIT!" Ariana yelled back more annoyed than any of the girls have ever seen her be. "Ugh sorry girls I really have to go but ally please just remind Dinah to text me the detail on the secret plan we talked about since these two" Ariana stopped to smile and point her finger towards the corners of the screen Camila and Lauren leaned towards so ally could see. "Always seem to forget, ok bye queens!" With a kiss and a peace sign the petite pop princess was gone but the annoyed expression on Ally's and Normani's reappeared just as quickly. "Well I'm going to bed, goodnight I'll see you guys in a few hours." Camila quickly tried to add in while Lauren safely put away her laptop "Oh no you don't mija!" Ally added just as quickly as her hand securely landed on her hip letting Camila know it was already too late for her to fly her way out of this mess. "Ohhhh she called you mija, she's pissed. Goodnight camz! Goodnight Ally come on Mani we don't need to see this." Lauren rasped in her typical 3am voice as the two girls fled the scene hand in hand.

"Laur." Normani whispered as soon as they were far enough from the ears of a whining Camila and a relentless Ally. "You know I love you. And you know I know you enough to know somethings going on right?" The darker girl asked raising a knowing eyebrow. "Mani. You know I love you and you know me enough to know I'm exhausted enough to not be having this conversation right now, goodnight." Lauren said after swatting Normani's disapproving finger away to kiss her forehead and crawl into her neat bottom bunk, directly across from Camila's, after she heard Normani open and close the curtains to her bunk she sent out a quick tweet and let sleep overtake her.

Just then a loud alarm clock and a sleepy Dinah were heard from behind the curtains. Startling Camila and Ally out of their heated staring contest. "For the last time what do you know?" Camila hissed narrowing her eyes at the smaller girl. "Camila for the last time I don't know what you're talking about... But if I did.... what would there be for me to know?" Ally replied with a sly smile and her hand still placed high on her hip this time to signify the sass in her comment instead of the annoyance it added to her stance a few moments ago. "NOTHING ALLY" The brunette snapped back, noticing how the smaller Latina didn't back down she let out a soft sigh and began to speak again, this time using a different approach. "I promise ally cat, if anything happens you'd be the first to know, and if you were to know anything i'd be the first to hear about it." Camila stated calmly as she extended her pinky out to Ally to seal their new agreement. Instead of just meeting it with her own she quickly did so and pulled the slim girl in for a tight hug. "Of course Mila, you know i'd do anything for you, including kill you if you keep me up again. Now go to bed we have a busy day tomorrow." "Noted." Camila yawned as she pulled away from ally's embrace kissing her on the forehand in the process and slipping her phone out of her banana covered robe pocket, sending out a quick tweet and slipping into her messy bottom bunk opposite of Lauren's.

With all of the younger girls in bed and a busy day ahead of her Ally set out to return to her bunk not before running into a sluggish figure slowly trudging down the long hallway. "Dinah what the hell are you doing up? It's 3 in the morning and we have a show tomorrow." Ally asked as a sleepy Dinah Jane simply yawned and placed her head on her small shoulder for support. "I forgot I set my alarm because Ariana was supposed to call us tonight. Speaking of her... I thought I heard Ariana say my name from my bunk, was it for real or was I dreaming?" Dinah responded completely ignoring the question. "No you weren't dreaming, she said to text her about some secret plan you two have and she said she hopes we have a good show and that we're all cuties." Ally suddenly remembered with a tired smile, she was so glad they became friends with such a caring girl in this heartless industry. "Oh yeah!" Dinah suddenly lifted her head up with a smile as she turned around to head back to her too bunk across from ally's. "Oh and ally cat, I'm pretty sure that part about being cute was just for me." She added with a wink and a hair flip causing both girls to laugh before saying their good nights and I love you's to each other and whoever else was already awake.

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