But, you're so well spoken!

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If I hear this comment one more time I'm actually gonna freakin' shoot a bitch. So this happened to me at school a couple months ago when we had a supply teacher. She was going around the classroom checking that everyone was doing their work and she decided to start a conversation with me only God knows what for. So this is how it went down 

Supply Teacher: So what are you doing dear? 

Me: I'm making and initial plan so that I have something to look at if I forget what I want to write about. (It was an English class and we had to prepare for a story that we had to write for our assessment) 

ST: Oh goodness me that sounds like a lot to do! 

Me: Yeah it is *Rolls eyes at her annoying voice* 

ST: It's very surprising how you speak. 

Me: how do I speak? (by now i've got my full attention on this stupid bitch) 

ST: Well you don't sound like those typical black girls that you see on the bus. You sound white almost 

Me: What?! I'm sorry I didn't realise that I had to speak a freakin' colour! 

ST: I was only saying what I think dear. There's no need to get upset. 

Me: Well I didn't need to hear some ignorant ass 'opinion' from some dusty ass cracker. 

Everyone in the class went silent and this hoe had the nerve to send ME out after what SHE said. After that she reported me to my head of year for 'racial discrimination' and I was given detention for a week. Despite telling my side of the story over 5 times! Tbh I shouldn't of even gone to that school coz when my cousin went there (about 7/8 years ago) they were reading a book in English when the word nigger came up. Now, at the time there were only three black girls, including her, in her class. (btw it's an all girls school) So when that word came up everyone in her class kept saying it to her and her friends, and when she reported it nothing was done.NOTHING! 

So lemme just say this: just because we are black does not mean in any way that we can't speak 'proper' English. We're more than fucking capable it's just that you lot expect us to be some loud as bitches because of what you see on TV. But hey it's not our fault you portray black people as ghetto, criminals, stupid and angry. So think about this before you open your mouth to call me an angry black girl. Think about how black people have always been looked down at, but yet you wanna say racism is dead coz you've got a black boyfriend or a black friend. Wake up! I'm sick and tired of people expecting me to act a certain way because of the media.

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