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"Morning mom!" I say as I walk into the kitchen.

"Morning sweety!" My mother says pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"Wow what am I chopped liver?" My dad jokes.

I roll my eyes playfully and walk over side hugging him, "of course not dad! Mooorrrninggg" I smile.

"Morning Princess. You better head off to school." he smiles.

"Sadly..." I sigh.

"And remember! You have archery practice right after school!" My mom says as I open the front door.

"I'll be there!" I yell and shut the door.

Oh you may be a little lost. My name is Maya Jasmine Kent, I am 18 years old and a senior in high school. I have dark brown hair (almost black) with brown eyes and pale skin which is odd because my parents are both tan.

I get into my red 1976 beetle and head off to school. I'm not exactly the most popular person in my school a.k.a I have no friends.


I head out of the large brick building, to my car, and then head out. Time for Archery. I don't know why but my parents put me in Archery when I was 6, I became a black belt at the age of 10, and my dad and I got my hunting license right when I turned the legal age. I find it odd sometimes but then again I mean they could just want me to be safe in the world. They are protective. 

I pull up to the archery range and get my things out of the car and walk up to my teacher Dan.

"Lieutenant Dan!" I joke.

He hates when I call him that. Mostly because he doesn't like the movie Forest Gump. Yeah he's weird.

"Hush up.' he says.

I laugh and get into position and start shooting at the targets. I can never hit the goddamn bullseye! 

after 4 hours of shooting I'm finally done and I'm free to go home. I head out to my car and I get this weird feeling.

So have you ever gotten the feeling someone is following you? Because that's what I am feeling right now. I have to be paranoid right? Ya, just paranoid. I get into my car and blast country music. It's my shizzzz. 

I finally pull up to my house and all of a sudden my mother and father run out looking terrified. I get out of my car and my mother's eyes go wide, "MAYA GET INTO YOUR CAR NOW!!!!" My mother yells.

All of a sudden a man comes out of nowhere and my dad is attacked. The man's teeth turn sharp and attacks my dad.

"DADDY!!!!" I yell and my mom runs over and throws a book into the car and gives me my bow and Arrow.

"Mom what are you doing? What's going on?!" I ask freaking out.

"There are Vampires in our house! So I am setting it on fire!!" She yells and runs up and throws a flare into the house and it burst into flames. 

I hear screams coming from inside and then all of a sudden a person attacks my mother.

"Shoot!!" My mother screams, "do it!"

I grab an arrow and aim for its head. 3...2...1... The arrow goes flying and the persons head goes flying off. How did that even happen? Wait? Oh my god... I just killed a person..!! I JUST KILLED SOMEONE!! OH MY GOD!!!

"Maya. Sweetie, come here..." I hear my mother say weakly. 

I rush over and hold her in my arms putting pressure on the area the 'Vampire' attacked, "mommy..." I cry.

"Sweetie... I love you like you are my daughter... So did Jackson (my dad)... Read the book... I... I love you." she says with her last breath and then she looks up at the stars.

"Mommy? Mom what did you mean? MOM PLEASE DON'T BE GONE!!" I sob.

I lay her on the ground and go over to my car. I just saw both my parents get murdered in cold blood. What did my mom mean? Like if I was her daughter? What? I put my bow and arrows in the back seat and grab the book my mom gave me and open it. There's a letter taped on the first page and a bunch of writing all through it.

The letter:

Dear Maya,
If you are reading this than something has happened to Kasey and Jackson. You should know they are not your real parents.. I am. My name is Bobby Singer. This is going to be hard to deal with but you needed to know. My address is 2194  Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I can explain everything.
From, Bobby Singer

Umm what!? I have... WHAT!? Oh dear god this is crazy! Well my mom.. Well not mom said to read it so this Bobby guy must be telling the truth right? There is only one way to find out... I have to go to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Thank god that's only 9 hours away. How come they've never mentioned him? How come I have never met him? So many questions.

I start my car and speed out of my driveway as my house burns to the ground and my parents lie dead in the yard... I have to find Bobby.


Dedicating this chapter to leeee best friend/ cousin KaitJDow98 :D xx
-Ciera xx

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