not everything is normal

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This is my first story in a long time so I hope u like it <3 stay beautiful my readers!


lexi's POV

my alarm went off I groaned remember its my first day of school and I'm new and know no one. I got my stuff and jumped into the shower quick. I got dressed in a pair of butty shorts and a light pink tank top. then I proceed to straighten my red hair. Then when down stairs forgetting breakfast, got in my black Mercedes and drove to school. oh yea I forgot to tell you my name is lexi summers and I just moved to this town with my mom and yes I'm a only child, so I am spoiled. I moved from Massachusetts to this town in California. yes I'm a Ginger but NY hair is not bright orange its more a pretty red.

I got to school it only was a ten minute ride since there was a little traffic. I walked into school and took one look around great I was center of attention and Gosh all the boys here are hot like are they all from tumble? I think so I got my schedule from the women in the office and began to walk to class.

Blake's Pov

I was in the parking lot with my friends as I saw a new black Mercedes parked and a new gorgeous girl stepped out. Luke my best friend saw her to "dude look at the fine ass I would tap that" he said with a smirk and just rolled my eyes "like she would ever go for you!" I heard the bell ring and I started to walk to my first class with Luke close behind

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so guys how do you like it? so do you think Luke gonna get the girl? vote and comment what you think!

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