2 Guys, 1 Problem

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Hi Guys! Right so this story is going to be written by two people in the name of Emily...Yeah, we are both called Emily :). I will be starting the story off today, as the other Emily is kinda busy. 

As we are both called Emily, if you want to send a comment to one of us, please use our single account names @BooBear_Stylesxx or @Forever_Wishing. I am @BooBear_Stylesxx, and I hope you enjoy our first chapter on this account... and I hope what I have written is good enough for you to read! :D



"Will you just shut up a minute!" I shouted to Niall, annoyed that he had just come home drunk again, and kept ordering me to get him things.

"Whatever Emily" he scoffed, walking up the stairs, I'm guessing to go to sleep. 

All Niall has done lately, is come home from work drunk, and I'm sick of it. I was also meant to tell him tonight that I'm actually pregnant, and it's obviously his baby. Harry, Niall's bandmate, is literally amazing to me, he is the only one who knows about my pregnancy, and he understands my problem.

I sat down on the sofa, with a warm cup of tea in my hands, thinking. Should I just leave? Should I stay, and hope Niall will change when he finds out about the baby? All these thoughts were flying around in my head, and I couldn't stand it for much longer. Why should I put myself through all the stress, when it's him who can't be bothered to do things for himself! I took my phone, and dialled Harry's number, hoping he would pick up, and wasn't asleep. "hello?" a very tired Harry answered the phone.

"Hi Haz, did I wake you up?" I asked,

"No it's fine, I was getting ready for bed. Can I help you with something, just you sound stressed out" he explained.

"Yeah umm, I was wondering if I could stay at yours tonight..? Just Niall came home drunk again, and he's having another one of his mood swings" I said.

"of course Emily, umm, grab your stuff, and I'll pick you up in about 15 minutes if that's okay"

"great Harry, see you then bye" I said, and then I put the phone down.

I ran upstairs as quietly as possible, and grabbed a few pairs of skinnies, 2 pairs of shorts, quite a few tops, and a dress with some tights from the room Niall was sleepng in. I didn't know how long I would be staying with Harry, I mean, maybe I won't even come back to Niall...? Or is that to far....

I put all of the clothes into a suitcase, and attempted to carry it down the stairs, but my last step I missed. I Managed to stop myslef from falling, but the suitcase was just something else, it just crashed down the stairs and hit the wooden banister at the bottom. I quickly picked it back up, and was about to get the door to leave amd wait outside for Harry, when I heard a very tired irish voice talk to me. "what on earth is all this for?"

"I'm leaving Niall. There is no way I can take your pathetic mood swings, and the constant stress I go through when you shout at me after coming home from the pub after work. It's pointless. Plus, I'm under strict instructions to take it easy so our baby isn't affected" I told him crying, but I soon realised I let a few to many words slip. I just told him, I told him I was pregnant.

"what do you mean 'our baby'?" He asked confused.

"look Niall, I was meant to tell you tonight that I was pregnant, but yet again you came home from the pub wasted. I'm fed up with it, and I'm going to stay with Harry" I explained, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Emily, I'm so sorry-" he began, but I interrupted him.

"Niall it's to late. You can see the baby, yeah of course, but I can't be with you" I told him.

"So your just gonna walk out on me and live with one of my best friends, so he can look after you while your pregnant with my baby? Were you even going to tell me, or were you just gonna pretend it was Harry's?" he shouted, and the hurt ran through me.

"how dare you. I would never leave you for another guy, and of course I would of told you. It's your baby Niall, but anyways Harry's outside, so I'm saying my goodbye now!" and as I finished Niall ran uo to me and gripped my arm tightly, just before Harry came through. "Niall let go, I'm leaving" I said, shaking him off of me, and Harry took my suitcase, leaving Niall crying in the door way of which I used to call home.

I climbed into Harry's car, and he took my hand as he sat down behind the wheel. "Are you okay? it's obvious you still love him" Harry told me.

"I'm not saying I don't, because I do. I'm just saying I can't cope with his ways of doing things. We just don't work"

"and the baby? I take it he knows" he said worriedly.

"yeah, I kinda let it out by accident. Look Haz, I know this is a lot for you to deal with, and it's my mess, but can i stay with you till the baby is born?" I asked.

"of course silly. Niall might be one of my best friends, but your like my sister, I'm going to look after you and the baby, I promise." Harry assured me, before giving me a reassuring hug.

He drove me back to his place, and it was now really late, so I walked up into the spare bedroom, leaving my suitcase by the door. Just as I had finished brushing my teeth, I remembered something I had forgotten to bring. Pyjama's, oh god. 

 I walked downstairs to Harry who was pouring a glass of milk in the kitchen. "Haz, I forgot pyjamas" I whined, and he did nothing but walk to a pile of clothes that were on a chair, and chucked a t-shirt of his to me. I smiled, and ran upstairs, pulling it over my head, before climbing into bed.

** (next morning) **

I woke up, hearing the busy streets of london outside, when I realised I was at Harry's house. I grabbed a blanket from the end of my bed, and made my way to the staircase, before I heard a couple of shouts. It was Harry, and Niall. "Your an idiot letting her go! She's everything a guy could ever want Niall!" I heard Harry yell. 

"She left me, get that straight Harry. Not to forget she left me carrying my baby, and now our going to see more of it than me!" Niall shouted back. 

After I had heard enough, I walked down stairs as if I hadn't heard a thing, but Niall jumped straightat me. "Even wearing his clothes now?" he said sarcastically.

"Yeah, I was so determined to get a way Niall, that I forgot my pyjama's" I replied, not wanting him to say anymore. Or course he didn't do what I wanted, and just carried on wailing on about how I was in the wrong, and how he wanted to look after his baby. I got fed up, and left Niall and Harry standing in the kitchen, meanwhile I was crying at my mess in Harry's spare bedroom...


I hope this first chapter is okay!xoxox CLICK VOTE AND COMMENT YOUR THOUGHTS PLEASE!!!!XXX 

@BooBear_Stylesxx/ Emily <3 xox

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