Unsure of the Unknown

251 14 9

Jimin POV

The anticipation...this thick feeling looming over me, after all these years, could finally be over. I rub my thumb over the envelope in my hand, slowly sliding out the letter, but I only have the courage to read the first line, "Happy 18th Birthday, Park Jimin," before I slide it back in and put it into a drawer. I'm honestly afraid of what it has to tell me. What if it's wrong? What if I don't even get along with the person? How is this piece of goddamn paper supposed to tell me my so-called 'true love'? I'm panicking! I jump onto my bed and push my pillow into my face. Pressure proceeds to take over my head and my pillow slowly becomes damp, as I cannot help but cry. I'm already in love, and there is no going back.

The first time I saw him I couldn't keep my eyes off. His skin looked of a porcelain doll. I reached out to touch him, with a strange feeling his fragile appearance would reflect on who he really was. Reluctant, I started to pull my hand away, but with my surprise he grabbed my hand with a force that made me retract those porcelain thoughts. He knelt down beside me, and with the other hand, his thumb wiped away my tears. It really felt like a dream, I couldn't believe it. It made me confused, how could this stranger be in the right place in the right time to give me the comfort I needed? It made more tears fall, at that moment, I really needed someone, I hung my head feeling insecure about the tears falling from my eyes. But he lifted my chin and said, "It will be alright. You've got this one life, you have to do what makes you happy." I was speechless, but my eyes pleaded for him to pull me in and hug me...and he did. He brushed his hand through my hair and pulled my head to his shoulder. I swear I could of stayed in Yoongi's warmth forever that day.

I open my eyes, realizing it is now dark as I look out the window, I must have fallen asleep. My eyes open wide as I realize that I am being embraced from behind, and I look over my shoulder to see a sleepy Yoongi. My heart tightens, and I feel him pull my waist in closer to his. "Happy Birthday, Jiminie," he mumbles, his breath tickling my ear.

"Oh yes, my birthday! Do I get a treat from you?" I giggle and turn to look into his eyes. While doing so, I lick my lip and bite it as well, knowingly giving him the bait. He squints his eyes, smirks, and runs his tongue across his lips, while reaching his hand to my face to run his thumb along my bottom lip, then pulling my blushed face into his. He closes his eyes, revealing his long beautiful lashes. I find my hand at this hip pulling him in closer. Our lips collide, he pushes my lips with his softly at first but he quickly wants more, pushing his tongue onto my lips and I am just as quick to invite him in, parting my mouth. Our tongue's dance for a while, and when we finally come up for air I am lightheaded. I am head over heels. He gently plants small kisses all over my face, the last one on my nose.

"I hope that treat was sweet enough for you." His smile warms my heart.

"It was sweet as suga." I'm amused as I let out a giggle, and snuggle up in his arms. He then runs his fingers through my hair.

"Hey Jimin..." Yoongi seemed to hesitate on his words for some reason, and I give him a look to continue. "Have you read the letter?"

I shift my eyes away having almost forgotten about the letter I received this morning. I sighed, "No, I can't bring myself to open it when I'm already...in love." I blush and plant a kiss on his forehead, "Besides, you never opened yours."

This time I notice the shift in Yoongi's eyes as he buries his head in my chest and mumbles, "Well that's not entirely true."

I go into a slight shock, "What?" I gently push away from him and push myself up into a seated position; he sits himself up, as well, his face altering with worry. "Min Yoongi...you've been lying to me this whole time?" I can't believe this, why would he? I squint my eyes at him. "All this time you've known who you were destined to? Or did you read it while we've been together? Why would you not tell me?" I am very confused, and I'm starting to feel insecure. "You told me you didn't care about that."

Yoongi's eyes widened as he saw the look of panic on my face. "No, no no." Now he looked even more worried. "Please, just...I think you should read yours." He fidgeted and looked down.

Is he telling me to read this so that I can go find my so-called 'true love'? Is this how he's trying to get rid of me? My eyes start to glass over.

He put his hand on my cheek, "Jimin, please, there are things I need to tell you. Please read it."

I'm in disbelief, I'm right. That's how he's going to do it, isn't it? I comply anyway and get off my bed and slowly reach inside my drawer. I pull out the letter hesitantly and join him back on my bed.

I look at him not knowing what I expected and he nods at me to continue, worry still on his face. I look to the envelope in my hands and pull the letter out. Running my fingers along it, the paper slowly unfolds. My heart feels as if it will beat right out of my chest, and I clutch onto it with my free hand. I start to read it to myself:

'Happy 18th Birthday, Park Jimin.' It then went in to explain about the process of how they found my true love. It was through running tests on me when I was born. It then takes in to factor everyone else in the world. It some how knows the fate of everyone, what paths we will cross, what our dreams and aspirations will be, and our personalities. They know all of that before I can even comprehend the world itself. I am astonished, reading it silently with my jaw dropped. I hear Yoongi shifting nervously, when I finally come to the part where they tell me my true love. It reads: 'We are happy to inform you that your true love is named Min Yoongi.'

Wait, what? Did I read that correctly? I push the letter closer to my face. The black letters on the page still read: 'Min Yoongi.' I say his name out loud, "Min Yoongi. Min Yoongi." My eyes start to water up, I can't even help it. I look up at him, "My true love is Min Yoongi!" I'm so confused, my true love on paper, is my actual true love. Tears flow out from happiness and I lunge forward into Yoongi's open arms. He accepts me in and squeezes me so tightly while running his fingers through my hair.

"Park Jimin, you are my true love." Yoongi coos in my ear, and then kisses my head.

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