Chapter 1

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Wanda stood there with a smile plastered on her face as she looked up at the cap. Finally she had found a family for herself and it seemed that it was among the avengers. Vision and falcon stood on either side of her as they were officially initiated. As she exited the room, she couldn't shake the grief from her heart. Something told her that she should be mourning her brother, and that this was all a way of prolonging that for as long as possible.

She hurried down the corridors, suddenly finding that she needed some solitude to think everything over, and settled for an unnoticeable alcove outside one of the science labs. She was so lonely without Pietro, losing him had been like losing a limb. She sank into a huddled position with silent tears rolling down her face. She probably would have dissolved into sobs had it not been for the voices she heard inside the lab. Helen Cho strolled out followed by a determined looking Vision.

"So you're sure my vitals are all clear?" he pressed,

"Absolutely Mr... Vision" Cho replied.

"And I'm not missing any body parts? Vital organs? I mean I was created from scratch."

"I assure you that you are perfectly normal" She smiled and walked away.

All of a sudden Wanda felt something surge up from deep within her body, building and building like an irresistible urge until...

She sneezed. Vision whipped his head round and found her scrunched up in her little hiding place, her eye liner slicing black lines down her reddened face. She stood up and tried to wipe the tears from her eyes. She made a move to go off down the corridor but he had a firm hold on her arm.

"You're upset, Wanda," he said.

"Great observation" she snapped, then instantly regretted it. Either she showed this or Vision was one of the most compassionate people she'd met as he then went on to say;

"This is about your brother, isn't it? I hope you should know, it wasn't your fault, don't beat yourself up about this and remember, he lives on in your memories. When I saved you from jumping off that cliff, I did it because I believed you had the power to turn yourself around, you just have to have faith!" Wanda smiled at this, albeit the first sympathetic thing anyone had said to her since it happened, this didn't make it true.

"What if I did do something, and it had a knock on effect on him dying?"

"Wanda, this couldn't have been avoided, but it will get better, I'm sure. You want to know something? Yours was the first face I saw, you were the first person who communicated with me, and I remember feeling the beacon of hope and determination that you emanated. I have a feeling I would be a completely different person if it weren't for you, so don't let that go to waste! " And with that, he gave her a final squeeze of the arm and sauntered off down the corridor. She smiled, for real this time.

A tale of love and greedWhere stories live. Discover now