Bethany Scott Adventures ©

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The Doll Shop

Bethany Scott stared out of her bedroom window, wondering if she was going to town tomorrow with her Best friends, Kelly Yates and Melissa Yates (sisters). Bethany walked away slowly, and she sprung her body onto her princess bed. "How I wish to become a Princess" She Repeated. Her Mum, Tina Dixon, walked into her bedroom, with a casual sway. Tina was an amazing Mum, as she gave Bethany £500 to go to town with her friends. Luckily, Bethany’s friends always received £500 to, as their family was rich. "Hey Mum, Can I have £500 please, I am going to town with my friends tomorrow, if that’s okay?" Asked Bethany, Inquisitively "Sure sweetheart, just remember do not spend it all on chocolate okay?" said Tina as she kissed Bethany on the forehead. "Thanks Mum" Said Bethany as she ran off. Tina started to clean up Bethany’s bedroom, when her husband Rob walked into the room. They both held hand and walked out of the room, in-love. Bethany was spying on them and she said "What a sweet couple" Bethany walked back into her room and carried on tidying up.

Bethany woke up, after having a nightmare about her turning into a doll, but she knew that was never going to happen, as dolls can't live, and as far as she was concerned, Magic wasn't real. She skipped happily down the stairs and walked into the kitchen merrily. She decided to skip breakfast, and she ran into the lounge, grabbing her purse, coat and her heeled shoes. She applied her make-up and changed into her dress. Suddenly, she heard a knock at the door. She raced down the stairs and she saw her friends. "Hey guys!" She said, walking out of the door. They walked all the way into town and they spent £150 in one accessory shop, Personal touch. They walked into the market casually and Bethany saw a dolls shop. Her friends dragged her there but Bethany begged them not to take her there. "Come on Bethany seriously, it's not as if a doll is going to come to life and turn you into a doll is it?" laughed Melissa and Kelly "Ahhh! I will meet you at the food shop!!! Eeeek!!" screamed Bethany. They both giggled and walked to the doll shop. Melissa and Kelly bought a pot doll each for £23.56, leaving them with 126.44 and Bethany with £400.

Bethany was ordering a pizza for everyone, when she caught Melissa and Kelly searching for her. She waved her hands in the air, even though people were looking at her, thinking she was insane. Luckily, her friends found her and they sat down to a lovely pizza and a drink of Pepsi Max. They quickly ate their pizzas and drank their drinks. Bethany grabbed them both by the arm took them to the Pound shop. The Pound shop was packed with people, but they didn't care, they needed chocolate, and fast. They raced to the chocolate isle and they spent £10 each on chocolate. Bethany was stuck for ideas of what to do next....

"I know what to do, Clothes Shop!!!!" shouted Kelly, as she rushed to Primark. Melissa and Bethany laughed and raced after her. Bethany tried on lots and lots of clothes, and ended up spending £200 on clothes. As you know now, Melissa and Kelly only had £116.44 left, so they only spent £100 on clothes, leaving them hardly anything left. They ran out of Primark, after paying for the clothes, and they ran to Doichmen, an awesome shoe shop. Bethany spent £45 on shoes.

They walked Bethany home and they left her. Bethany unpacked everything, and put her remaining £145 in her piggy bank. She had saved £1432.28 during the month, and she decided that she would go shopping again next week, with £1932.28 (including her allowance). She put her new clothes on coat hangers and hung them in her full wardrobe. "Phew" She cried.

All of a sudden, she heard a loud bang at her bedroom door. "Come in, come in, whom-ever you are!" said Bethany in a sarcastic voice. Her Mum entered the room with a heavy looking box. "Bethany, I have something to show you, I didn't do it but I am really sorry about it, as it never meant to happen." said Tina in a fake sad voice. Bethany snatched the box out of her Mums hands and ripped it open, a rush of anger coming through her body. She stopped suddenly as she felt something move. She opened the box more and she saw a Spaniel puppy. "OMG Mum you are the best!!!" screamed Bethany, jumping up and down. She carefully held the puppy and stroked it. "Mum leave us now, please" Said Bethany doing the puppy dog eyes. Bethany named her puppy patch, as it was white with black patches. Bethany was really tired, as it was 23:36, so she changed into her Pj's and she collapsed onto her silky bed with Patch on top of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2013 ⏰

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