Project Fat Suit - One Shot Competition

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This is my one shot for Project Fat Suit (by not_present). I've never done a one shot before so it should be interesting how this turns out...

Hi People!!! Can I just say thanks for reading this one- shot (or I guess if you're reading this you haven't read it yet but you're going to? And hopefully you'll like it :-) ) and I'm really glad that you've taken time to check this out. Luv ya xxx


Uranus' POV

As I walked through the park I saw a familiar figure sitting on a park bench. It took a lot of strength for me to walk up but with what's happening with Rena and Liam... I just want to make things right with her.

"Oh, um hi Holly!"

"Oh hey Uranus! Wanna hear the latest joke? Me and Rena happened to be talking about you and she was being very rude with her 'your face' jokes and all but don't worry, I defended you. I said, are you ready for this? I said, 'Aww but Uranus is just the sweetest' and she goes, 'Woah Holly, a bit forward isn't it?!'"

She cracked up laughing at her own hilarious 'joke' but I can see it was mostly a cover, something to stop the misery and pain. She's still so sweet though and whether or not her jokes are at my expense or are even the complete opposite of funny, maybe I don't deserve someone like her.

"Holly, that's not even funny."

"Oh c'mon where's Uranus' sense of humour?"

And she cracked up laughing again. I shook my head at her but I can't help smiling. Rena and Holly are the perfect friends and before, spending time with them made me so happy. Then there's the thing going on with Liam. I'm close to him too, I mean I can't just always hang out with two girls with odd senses of humour. The problem is, I don't know who I want to be with but it seems like now, I might be left alone.

"You know what? Because of Rena my gir- umm... you and my other friends are now forever making Uranus jokes that aren't even funny!"

"I'm sorry. You're not actually upset, are you?"

She started babbling on about how it was only a joke and she's sorry if she hurt my feelings, etc. I was in my own world but I did hear the end of her rendition, "... but then there's Rena."

"Sorry, what?" I asked trying to concentrate and she glared at me.

"Did you hear a word of that???"

"Ermm sure... you said..."

"I said that everything used to be so simple and now we're stuck, all of us with secrets," her head went down then.

I don't know what she's keeping from me but I guess we all have a right to keep things to ourselves. I remember what Rena said - she wants a guy who's honest, doesn't keep secrets. She didn't realise she was describing me... but now she's chosen Liam? As much as it pains me to say this, I love her. But I still love Holly too.


"Sorry, what?"

"You stopped listening again," she smiled at me, trying to hide the curiosity in her voice. She isn't mad at me for not listening and is sat patiently waiting for me to give her an explanation. She wouldn't treat it like it was only an excuse. The more I think about it, the less I think I even deserve her. Did we even work that well as a couple?

"Sorry, I was just thinking about... Rena. How she..."

"I know. It must be hard for her. I feel like a bad friend that I'm not really there for her... I don't know, I try to but sometimes I feel like I'm not the person meant to be there comforting her, that it's meant to be someone else. She has Liam but... I don't know... it doesn't seem right to me."

She mumbled the last part and I tried to ignore what her intentions might have been in saying that. She has Liam and she has Holly, she has Kurt and her dad. She doesn't need me.

"Holly... I still love... you."

I tried looking into her beautiful eyes, the ones I'd stared into so many times - like when we were kissing in the rain. And it's almost like those times except now, the love feels broken. These thoughts were confirmed when, while I was looking down, I heard Holly's voice very close to me.

"I love you too but... I'm not sure if it's in that way - and I know you feel the same."

And then I felt her lips on my cheek and her footsteps walking away. I looked down at my feet but suddenly felt another presence beside me. I looked up and saw Rena and Liam with their arms wrapped around each other. Although this is now a familiar sight, I still felt a sudden tightening around my chest but this time I don't think it was for the sadness of their relationship - this time I think it was me seeing Rena with someone else.

"We were just going to the hospital," Rena's voice, now permanently absent of happiness, broke through the awkward silence, "but we saw you and Holly. Are things better now?"

"No... you know things are never going to work out with us."

It is amazing how my mood can change so much in a matter of minutes. Just being around Rena and Liam could make even the meanest, cruellest, most horrible person, (well basically Olivia), feel all the sympathy and sadness in the world. Liam lived through his operation and since I met Rena, I think it was the happiest I ever saw her when she found out but then she found out that the brain tumour is still there. The operation didn't work and now, every month Liam has to go back to the hospital to see if it's getting any better or worse. So far it has stayed the same. He has to live knowing that at any point, he could die. He didn't want to take Rena through it with him but now they're both head over heels in love with each other. We thought someone finally had a happy relationship, their happy ending but they don't because at any time, it can be broken. Death can break anything. Everything.

"But things will work out with you two! You never know, you could go to the hospital and the tumour could be gone!" I try to stay positive but I know we were all thinking, 'or it could kill him'.

"Yeah," Liam glanced at me and then looked into Rena's eyes, "let's hope."





Luv ya xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2014 ⏰

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