Proud of my hijab

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Hijaab , a head covering worn by Muslim  women in public.

That is the text book definition for the hijab.

As a Muslim   woman i wear hijab , not for show or to please any one i wear my hijab for my self.

Theres pride in my heart when i don my hijab, i feel closer to my maker, my lord, my allah (s.w.t).

Just because you see me wearing a hijab does not make me a terrorist, and neither am i opressed.

our quran states " O prophet , tell your wives and daughters and the believing women to draw there outer garments around them (when they go out or around men). " (noble quran 33: 59)

The hijab offers modest to a woman and allows a woman to be judged on her knowledge and skills rather than be judged by looks and sexuality.

is it so wrong to want to be pure for your future husband? is it so wrong to want to please the lord that we believe and trust in? is it not a human right to be free to pursue your personal believes?  we live in the 21st century , in a world where anything is possible if you just believe , yet MUSLIM women are being subjected to pressure for there believes, for there dressing! wheres the freedom that has been fought for over the centuries!

It is sad that no matter how innocent we may be , the fact that i am a MUSLIM and don my islamic dress i will be judged not for who i am or what is in my heart but rather by what the world assumes muslims to be.

not every MUSLIM  is a terrorist, no MUSLIM  is perfect, we are human just like everyone else , we bleed , we feel , we are human. remember that before you judge us.

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