The fun house

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One day Chloe and i went to the circus. We had an hour before it started and i had the strangest feeling we were being watched by someone or something. As we were walking round this strange clown came up to us and asked us if we would like to go in to the fun house Chloe said excitedly,' Of course i will'. I replied slowly and nervously,' OK if we really must. The clown whispered softly in my ear,' Be careful you may never come out'. I was shaking nervously walking towards the fun house. All that was going threw my head was the words of the clown. 

 As i got into the fun house i had that same feeling as i was walking threw the circus of us being watched. All that was in there was mirrors Chloe was running ahead of me i was far behind. I was too scared to tell her what the clown had said to me. As she got further and further away from me i could begin to hear strange sounds coming from behind the mirrors. I could hear a voice saying,' We will get them soon'. I freaked out and ran to catch Chloe up. When i reached Chloe i was shaking all over and was breathing heavily . I told Chloe to stay with me we will make it out she replied confused we are going to make it out anyway.

As we were staring in to a mirror Chloe looked away for a second. As she looked away i saw a strangely shaped figure in the mirror standing behind one of the mirrors behind us. I turned back to see what it was and it had vanished i turned back to the mirror and nothing was there. As Chloe walked away i could sense something dangerous was about to happen. As Chloe walked on i slowly followed behind as i looked up and saw an axe falling from the celling. I quickly pushed Chloe out the way we were both shocked as the axe hit the floor Chloe walked on yet again. I shouted wait for me dont leave me behind please i begged.

I sat down for just a moment on the floor lent up against a mirror. From behind the mirror i felt someone tap me on the back at first i thought it was Chloe messing about. Then i looked ahead and there was Chloe i started to panic for a moment i blacked out. I slowly turned my head around my shoulder and there it was the most scariest creature i had ever seen. He had bushy brown hair with a bald patch in the middle, He was missing his right eye, He had rotten teeth. He whispered softly come with me and you will live. I quickly ran to Chloe and whispered in her ear, '  I think someone is trying to kill us'. She just laughed in my face and carried on walking she shouted loudly,"don't be so bloody stupid child nothing is going to kill us'' All of a sudden the lights turned from normal colour to red. Chloe stared at me for a second then looked around. I glanced over the other side and there was the exit and by the exit door i saw that strange figure walking towards us i quickly ran up to Chloe by now i could tell it was a clown. As he came closer and closer he reached in his pocket and ripped out a knife. Chloe and i quickly ran behind the mirrors all of a sudden we bump in to the creature. He grabbed my arm and ripped me away from Chloe. He threw me to the floor and as i watched with my eyes he took the knife in to the air and placed it deep in to Chloe's chest. I was horrified at the sight of my best friends body just layed there i knelt beside her and cried.

The creature then grabbed my arms and dragged me away. I could not get over the fact he killed my best friend i was so upset i lost her for good and to think it was all my fault for coming to the circus. As he stood me up on to my feet i couldn't help but notice a formula scar on his face I stopped and stared for a slight second. Then i turned away he asked me what was wrong. I replied slowly that scar seems formula he replied softly and calmly its from your nightmares. I burst out in tears of rage i wanted to hurt him like he hurt me by killing my best friend. I then saw the knife sticking out of his pocket i glanced back up at him then in to his pockets again. He let go of my hands and threw me to the floor once again. I quickly grabbed the knife from his pocket he cut my arm with his nails but that did not stop me. I held the knife up high in the air and dropped it straight into his chest exactly the same way he killed Chloe. I then removed the knife and stabbed him another four times in the same place. He crashed heavily to floor and shouted i will get my revenge. I quickly grabbed Chloe's body and carried it out the exit door. As i walked out the door i saw a big bright light in my eyes and heard a big round of applause from the audience i had arrived in to the ring of the circus. The ring leader grabbed Chloe's body of me and took my hand and led me to the centre stage he whispered no one has ever made it out alive you are a really brave girl you now you are very clever well done. The tears on my face slowly turned in to a smile my mum and dad came running in to the ring and gave me the biggest hug i had ever had i was happy too see them again i was thrilled to escaped. I turned back and saw Chloe's body being took away and her parents crying with sadness and sorrow. I walked over to her parents and i apologised as i couldn't have prevented this to happen. They understood where i was coming from and told me i was the most bravest person they had ever met. The ring leader grabbed my arm and said to me do you want to say a few words i took the mic and whispered softley and gently.

" There was nothing i could of done to prevent what happend to my bestest most dearest friend in the world. I cant believe i'm never going to see her ever again. I'm so glad i made it out alive. I get to see my parents again hold them and tell them how much they mean to me but i feel so guilty that Chloe will never see any of us again. If you are listening Chloe i love you dearly and you will be missed by all your friends especially me. I absolutely hate clowns i will never be coming to a circus ever again i have lost my best friend thanks to your silly tricks thinking they are fun when the are not. i will forever be lost with Chloe cant believe this has happened to her when it should of been me who lost my life out there not her". My mum and dad started crying at my speech. I turned to them crying and said please just take me home i never want to come back to a circus for as long as i may live. I have kept by that promise i still thing and dream about this event it will haunt me for the rest of my life wish i could change the past but i can't so i must go on having these nightmares for the rest of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2013 ⏰

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