CHAPTER 1 the day he asked you

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So you and Jaime had been best friends for ever, since like kindergarten and y'all were like really close .Now both of y'all are in high school, 10th grade and y'all had still been best friends but you did have a little crush on him but you weren't sure if he liked you back. Well it all started in the morning, he went to your house to pick you up so y'all could go to school together, "Good morning y/n are you ready yet", he asked, " Good morning,and yeah sure am now let's get going before were late"you said in a happy way responding fast. You and him had gotten to school and went to the cafeteria to get some breakfast, after ,y'all had walked to class together, what a miracle that almost all of your classes were with him. Well during third period, the teacher had assigned a partner project, and of course y'all both teamed up, so when y'all got together the whole class was with there partner talking when, he gets close to you and asks u " Umm hey y/n, do u like me",(awkward silence), " well yeah I kind of do and I'm really not sure if you like me back", you responded nervously. He got quite and told you he would be back without saying anything, he eventually came back with a little bag. "Here this is for you" he said, he nervously took out a little teddy bear and a box with a bow on it, he gave you the bear and slowly opened the box , which was a ring with a little pink dimond on it, and at that moment he looked at you and said, " y/n , would you be my girlfriend",(you started to tear up), " Omg Yes I would love to be your girlfriend", he slipped the promise ring into your finger , and hugged, everyone started clapping and cheering. Since that day y'all were even closer than ever.

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