Okay helpers to world domination, this is a page where we can ask questions and answer them. But wait, there's more.
if I don't get back to your question within a week and I have no explination as to why I didnt. send me an email and we will discuss an agreement. Which will always include me answering your question plus something more. which could be:
-Making you a character in one of my stories.
-Dedicating a chapter or chapters even a story to you directly and dedicating it to you if it gets published when I'm older.
-Putting your favourite song on the side of one of my chapters.
-choosing a whole cast for one of my stories.
-Advertising your stories in my stories, my page, random pages...
-Becoming your fan
-What ever we agree on.
yeah so I guess thats pretty cool. But please don't harras me with the same questions. I will answer your questions on a new part and it will be posted weekly? thats if I can do that. Ask away!!!
<3 JCMA <3