Frank XV

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Frank ran past the fighting demigods of Camp Jupiter, occasionally stopping to help some who needed assistance.

Unmoving bodies were sprawled on the ground, all of them covered in blood. Frank hoped nobody from his cohort was dead. Sure, they teased him, but that didn't mean they had to be killed by a monster.

Distracted by his worry over his cohort-mates, he didn't see the dracanae before it raked its claws across his chest. Frank cried out and, without much thought, slammed one of his arrows into the monster's skull.

It exploded into golden monster dust, all over Frank. "Oh, gross," Frank muttered, shaking the dust off. He hated getting the dust on him. It itches and made him sneeze. Maybe that's why he used a bow and arrow.

The son of Mars continued his search for Reyna, a hand pressed on the wound on his chest, the other tightly gripping his bow.

Hannibal the elephant charged out of nowhere, smacking monsters into sky and stomping on them when they came back down. And right at that moment, Frank realised he could have just turned into an eagle and looked for Reyna in the sky.

"Gods, I'm such an idiot," Frank muttered to himself. He'd have to facepalm himself later, because suddenly, he was surrounded by three hellhounds.

Luckily for Frank, the hellhounds tried to pounce on him at the same time and they ended up knocking their heads together.

Frank quickly turned into an eagle and flew off. His eyes scanned the battlefield. At last, they landed on a girl with black hair. She looked like she was fighting for her life, which she obviously was.

Frank the eagle swooped down and picked up a sword on the ground with his talons before transforming back into human.

He stabbed a hellhound in the back and heard it yelp in pain before it exploded. He fought through the crowd of monsters trying to get to Reyna.

Finally, he reached her. The monsters seemed to be targeting her. Of course, it made sense. If she were killed, the legion would fall apart. And Frank wasn't exactly the best praetor in the world.

"You're looking tired there, Reyna," Frank teased her, holding back the monsters that were still attacking. "Shut up, Zhang." Reyna glared at the other praetor. And with that, they finished off the remaining monsters.

I know, I know. Not really the longest chapter you've ever seen, but at least I updated, right? ENJOY IT. Plus, I was thinking about whether or not to kill Reyna. So yeah, be glad I decided not to. I might just kill her though...Not sure yet. Maybe, maybe not. I don't know. But on the off chance that I do kill her...have this slice of blue cake in advance.


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