chapter 1

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As ariana finishes her 3rd honeymoon tour concert, she wraps it up with her hit song problem, the confetti falls slowly on the crowd and she is living in the moment, everything seems slowed down as she sings and enjoys her 3rd concert in California. As the song has just about come to an end she hears a ring sound in her ear. This was no technical difficulty sound from the ear piece she was wearing, it was the sound of something inside of her she has never had before. as the song ended she thanked the crowd and ran to the exit sign as quickly as she could. she stood there breathing, she felt dizzy and could hear nothing but the sound of her beating heart. Ricky came running to ari outside the backstage bathrooms, he whisperd in her ear, "you did incredible" she didn't take notice and seemed rather confused and that was when Ricky has to move her to get her attention, he questions her, "ari what's wrong" she replied "I don't know" she told him she felt dizzy and overwhelmed" he replied with "you have just started a big tour and its normal to be overwhelmed, I'll be in the dress rooms, let's get changed and grab a bite?" she replied "uh yeah your right" she stutterd a bit and then said "you go ahead, I'll be there soon"
As Ricky gave her a big kiss on her forehead he ran off to the dressing rooms, she stood there. that feeling was not an overwhelmed feeling, something was wrong and couldn't be ignore, she walked into the bathrooms doors behind where she stood and rinsed her face, as she stared at herself in the mirror, she tilted her head to the side and smiled, she took her hands off the bench of the bathroom, and walked to the dressing rooms to meet Ricky. She knew this feeling was weird but She was hungry too, and had a strange craving for a jam donut from Dunkin donuts, she felt the need to eat something as red as blood....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2015 ⏰

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