My Best Friend

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To me best friends are very sacred, because they are your family even though they are not blood related.

I've known my best friend since about 3rd grade, but we didn't become close until around 5th grade. We became inseparable, we were like super glue. I had always helped her when she has needed me in her darkest times and vise versa.

We never let anyone ruin our friendship, and somewhere around 7th grade we met another girl that soon became our best friends and like the lame people we were, we called ourselves " The Three Musketeers".

We were always talking to each other and tell each other our secrets no matter how bad or embarrassing it was. We were all a happy trio, but I guess nothing last forever. ( It's ironic how we always said we will be best friends forever)

My first best friend ( the one I met in 3rd grade) got her first boyfriend in 7th grade. A couple of months after meeting our other best friend.  They were fine and everyone was still happy, until we got to 8th grade.

We went to a school where we where in portable classes and we rarely got to see other people from other homerooms. Sadly my best friend didn't end up in her boyfriend's class. So the aftermath was that he started to like another girl and didn't tell my friend, which ended with her heart being broken.

I had helped her get over him with the help of our other best friend of course. I think that she wasn't really into him, because she got over him pretty fast. I don't blame her though.

I sometimes wish that he would have never done that cause that way she would not have met her new boyfriend.

At this point her and her old boyfriend had broken up. And our school had decided to have a dance a couple of weeks after the breakup.

Some stupid boy had decided that he was going to introduce her to his 7th grade friend. Everything had gone well, I had also met him the same day but he gave me a really bad vibe and I didn't like it. Soon after they started to text more and more, but since they were in different grades and we rarely saw other classes they didn't see much of each other.

But they somehow started to date. And I guess in a way everything was fine.

A few days after she stared to date him, everything she ever talked about was him. It was like she was obsessed with him and I get it she didn't want what happened with her first boyfriend to happen again. But she seemed to care more about him than her own friends.

Even our other friend seemed to notice this. She also didn't like that everything that we talked about was somehow related to him.

At this point I was extremely pissed, that she didn't seem to care about the two people that have been with her more years than that stupid kid.

So we did the only thing that we could do. We confronted her and asked her that if she was going to be our friend, than she would have tone it down a bit... Okay maybe tone it down a lot. It was still okay for her to talk about him, because in the end of the day he was her boyfriend.

And she seemed okay with this, and yet again everything was fine.

Towards the end of 8th grade, I noticed that she and my other best friend would hangout more and keep secrets from me. I didn't think much of it cause I thought that it was just something normal. Up until she and our other friend started to talk to me less.

During the same time, I was going through some things that I would have liked to have my best friend there. But life doesn't work like that.

I told her that if she was not going to treat me like a best friend than I would just have to stop being her friend and she didn't care. So I lost my best friend, my other best friend is still to this day on somewhat good terms with me.

In 9th grade we still talked but it wasn't the same...... Well for me at least. She (first friend) didn't notice that I was unhappy with the fact that she didn't talk to me as much as she used to. I was still grateful that she talked to me, even if it was like she was talking to a stranger.

To this day, I don't know how our friendship will end. But I guess the vibe that he gave me was right, I lost one of the people that had helped me so much in my life. There have been moments were I just want to give up in life, because to be honest I feel so lonely even if I have 7 billion people around me every day.

To some of you, it may seem like I'm jealous that she had a boyfriend and I didn't. But that wasn't the case, I just wanted to be happy with the people I care about, but I always seem to lose them.

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