Lost Little Lux

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            It is said that there once was a girl who cared to much, but what about her lesser known sister, who would rather hide in the shadows than meet up with conflict. What about her sister, the girl who cared to little? The girl who refused to get tide up in the drama of little things and stopped caring, was numb to the world. Well it wasn’t her fault really, you see, she was just dealt a really crappy hand of cards. There was a time when she was happy though, a time when she could see the light at the end of the cruddy little tunnel that’s been nicknamed life.

            When she was twelve her mother took her shopping, you see there were many tiny things that could have been changed that day, they could have left a little sooner, a little later, the light could’ve stayed red a little longer, many small things that led up to such a huge, table turning event for such a small young girl. This girl had a name obviously, not that she liked it, her parents had named her Lux, now who names a kid something so strange? It means light they’d say when she asked, you should be happy it’s not something worse. Now Lux was pretty much nothing out of the ordinary, she had just had a growth spurt, making her taller than about 87% of the males in her seventh grade class, her legs were long and a tripping hazard for no one but her self, and she had plain brown hair that landed halfway down her back but couldn’t completely decide if it wanted to be wavy or straight so it normal hung in a tight held pony.

            That was her then but today, well who really knows how to describe her but average isn’t the word to use. She was stick thin, unhealthily so, her brown hair had been cut short, jagged at her chin and dyed a black shade with streaks of purple peeking out from underneath the top layer of hair. Her blue eyes were always rimmed with kohl liners her lips painted a dark shade of scarlet and she was always found in a scuffed pair of old converse barely held together by patched of duct tape. Wouldn’t mom be proud she thinks to herself as she sneers at herself in the bathroom mirror, she rolls the sleeve of her t-shirt back over the fresh scar she had left on her shoulder. One day I wont be hiding them she swears to herself, but today is not that day. She saunters down the stairs and heads into the kitchen.

            On the table she finds some slowly cooling toast, a cup of coffee, black like always, and a note. Sorry Honey, you just missed me. –Dad. She slumps into one of the chairs, bites into the toast, one slice, that’s all she eats, a few sips of coffee and she’s done. She ate something, that’s a start right? Leaving the now cold toast and coffee on the table, someone will clean that up later right, she slings her back pack over her shoulder and goes to meet the bus but thinks better of it looping back to pick up the keys to her beet up Chevy, so dad said she can’t drive for another week, it’s not like he’ll know. She throws her bag into the passenger seat and shifts the car into drive, tearing out of the driveway. Now she could go to school, should go to school, but whens the last time she ever did what she was told? Oh right, when she was twelve and look how that ended. “God, I need a drink,” she exclaims as a slow smile creeps it’s way onto her face, guess who knows where she’s going, Greg was throwing a party last night so chances are he’s not at school and he might just have something left over for her.

            Oh Greg, where to begin on his character… well to be fair he’s not that bad, he’s actually a pretty nice guy if you were into the party scene. Lux met Greg after the accident, he was the only one who could pull her out of her shell, and so everyone thought he was helping her, which he was in his own way, what they didn’t know was how. Lux was a good kid, she didn’t plan on drinking or drugs or any of that, well who does really, but she had her whole life planned, but that all changed when she met Greg. Because of him the only times she ever really feels okay is when she’s under the influence of something, anything. Greg lives on his own, miraculously the courts ruled that he could get emancipated at the age of sixteen, now he’s eighteen and is going to just barely get all the credits he needs to graduate high school. Greg has green eyes that will occasionally have flecks of brown or gold, but not always. His caramel hair is styled into a bushel of dreadlocks that pass his shoulders by around four inches. He’s been dating Lux for the past two years when Lux was 15 and he was 16, though they have known each other since the night of the accident.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2013 ⏰

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