Chaster 1: Captured

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Merlin's POV
"Arthur, please stay alive!" I begged the tired King. Arthur groaned and tried to sit up against the log that I had set him down on just a few minutes ago. I shook his head and pushed him back down.

"You need to rest. We continue when the moon is fully out," I whispered to Arthur. Arthur's eyes searched the forest until they landed on me, his eyes full of pain and anger. I looked away, saddened by the betrayal Arthur felt. It had to be done. I couldn't continue living with Arthur not knowing who I really am. I bit my lip and looked back at Arthur who was now peacefully sleeping. I heaved a sigh of relief and got up to unpack my blanket from the horse's saddle, all the while wondering how I would get to Availon (I probably spelt that wrong, sorry) with Arthur growing weaker and weaker by the minute. I gritted my teeth and walked over to where Arthur was lying and set up my bed. Quickly using my magic, I also set up the fire and threw some extra sticks from beside me into the fire. Not wishing to sleep, I got up and started to pace the forest floor. An idea struck me, but I didn't want to leave Arthur alone to do it.

"Oh boy," I sighed, trying to make a decision. I looked around for a clear space and was happy to see a small field next to Arthur. He knows about my magic, I guess it's time to show him that I'm a Dragonlord - IF he wakes up. The idea comforted me and I jogged to the small space, keeping my eye on Arthur all the while. Finally, feeling that he would be safe for the time being, looked up to the sky and took a deep breath, the power of my magic filling me. I spoke out the words to command the Great Dragon to come to me: "Ah Drakon! Ego Postulo Scurro! Sed Iaeditur Coenelious Sonare Potest Et Eros Eget!" I felt my eyes flash gold and smiled when I saw the dragon emerge in the night's sky.

"Holy crap...Merlin, take cover!" I turned to see Arthur trying to stand up using his sword, his eyes frantic.

"No Arthur! No, no, this dragon is my friend! I summoned him!" I rushed to Arthur, patting his shoulder. Arthur looked at me with shock. I hurriedly explained that I was the last Dragonlord after my father passed it on to me and told him that this dragon was the one who told me about my destiny to protect Arthur.

"Well, that shouldn't have been a surprise, seeing that you have lied to me so many things..." And with that, Arthur slumped to the ground in exhaustion and i made him comfortable, despite his weak protests. I then turned to the Great Dragon who had just landed.

" Kilgharrah," I greeted him.

"Hello young warlock," Kilgharrah bowed his head, showing brown specs in his head. "What is wrong?" The Dragon asked once he finished bowing.

"It's Arthur. He is very weak from when Mordrid attacked him in battle. The sword he used was forged in dragon's breath. Thankfully, Arthur agreed - hesitantly - to be brought to Availon. That's where my magic will be stronger," I confided in the dragon. He nodded and continued listening to me. "The thing is, Availon is more than a two day journey away. Arthur will not last that long. I know you are very tired and feel your time is coming, but could you at least help us find a faster way?" I begged Kilgharrah. The Great Dragon sighed.

"Young warlock, I do not see any other way than riding with me. I am very tired, as you said, so there will be plenty of stops along the way. At the very least, it could take us a day. But I will do what I can. For now, you need to rest. Arthur will be having many more complaints along the way then what you have experienced coming here. The Pendragons have never been fond of dragons..." The Dragon looked away and I could sense frustration and anger radiating off of him.

"Do not worry, my friend. I will see to it that Arthur finds room in his heart for my kind someday," Kilgharrah promised me. Knowing he would try everything in his power to get his wish, I turned around to go back to Arthur when I suddenly saw that he was gone.

"What the-" I was cut off by a wave of dizziness that suddenly overpowered me. I fell to my knees and the last thing I heard was Kilgharrah shouting my name and I didn't see anything more than darkness.

Hi everyone! I'm new to Wattpad and I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! As you can probably see, thus chapter was very short. I swear, I did not intend that. The next chapter will be better. Please comment about how I can change it so that I can make a good story! The next chapter will be up soon, I promise! Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2016 ⏰

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