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My first suggestion is tahajjud for all of you people as we all are muslims we may face many problems in life not just because we are muslims but because Allah subhanahu wa taala loves us, he tests us on every step we take, if we are about to fall he either

1) catches us before we fall OR
2)teaches us how to fly

We need to understand him we muslim are wrong right there we dont understand his plan we cry over silly things in life we dont thank him let me tell you a quote

When we dont understand whats
Happening in life , just close your
Eyes take a breath and say

"Ya Allah I know this is your plan , just help me through it"

Say this and see everything in life will be easy .

Allah says:

Trust me and I will show you

A man says:

Show me and I will trust you

You see there is a lot of difference in the both of them we trust in what we see but Allah (SAW) says trust me then he will show what he can do He is the only one who can make impossible things possible in life when we think this task of ours is impossible he will show that , that task is nothing in front of him when you have faith in him, when you think or the whole world thinks that , that task of theirs can be easy he can shiw the whole world that , that task can be impossible

When you are going to a hard time pray the night prayer where our lord Allah (SAW)comes down to the 4 sky and waits till his slave (wa us muslims) sacrifice their sleep just for him and ask what ever his slaves need and he is surely going to accept it

My pov

I have faced many problems in life , (it may not be as biger as your problems plz dont take me wrong) I have prayed tahajjud for my problems my first experience was that what ever I prayed for it happened the exact opposite allah tests you at first he only tests you if he loves you he wants you to be close to him thats the only problem when a muslim women or a man faces problem in life .

Allah wants you to be at the right path by praying and sacrificing your sleep

Allah says: I do not like people who sleep at night and forget its lord

He surely is right because isnt it true we forget him while we are in our beauty sleep he gave us an easy option for the way to our problems a d that is TAHAJJUD one and onky where you can get your dua's all accepted if there by any chance he doesn't then there are reasons and one of them is this below ;

1) that is either harmful for you in the near future(because he knows whats best for you) he wont decide anything whats harmful for in the future

A quote: we dont know what is in our future but
We know who holds our futureor knows it ( ALLAH)

And if he doesn't accept your dua then he will do three things in return :

1)he will give you what you asked for
2)he will save you from a very big torture or problem
3)will give the reward in the hearafter

Allah hates people who are hasty said the prophet (pbuh)
For the people who dont know the meaning of hasty it is when we say :
"Allah is not accepting what I asked for he is so bad then what is the use for me to sacrifice my beauty sleep in tahajjud"

Remember there are his own reasons if he doesn't accept what you asked for they may be harmful and cuse you pain right and what ever happens is for thr best we may not realise now but when we do it will be too late

For the people who dont know how to perform tahajjud

1)wake up at 3:00 or 4:00 the condition is yo wake up 15 mins before fajr

2)make wudu

3)pray 2 or 4 rakah nafl

4)and ask what ever you want cry struggle in front of him show him how much u need him, show him how much this dua matters to you , show him that no matter what happens I trust you , show him how much you trust him , show him the things you find impossible in life he is the only one that can make it possible . And surely he will , he will see it we may think he did not hear our dua but he did
If he is taking time in accepting what ever you asked for do SABR DO SABR people thats the biggest thing to ask for in tahajjud which we dont have and inshaallah he surely will and one more last thing if you wanna be allah's close friend then try to pkease hus first by sacrificing yuor sleep he loves people who dont sleep at night and do everything in life to please him

If this chapter helps you in any way please let me know

My name is Dua and if you have any questions please ask
I will try answering them somehow

Allah may protect us and guide us the right
Path ameen


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