Morning and Afternoon Before The Tour

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It was around 8 in the morning when I woke up. I tried going back to sleep but I couldn't. I decided to just go on social media for the next 2 hour or so.

At around around 10 a.m, I decided to get up and shower (gotta smell good for the guys, am I right?)

After I showered, I chilled in my room then went downstairs to find something to eat but failing to do so.

My brother came downstairs waiting by the door. I asked him where he was going and he told me he was going to the mall with a friend. We talked for a bit and I told him I was going to a meet and greet later that day.

As he was waiting for his friend, I started to get ready, brushing my teeth, brushing/blow drying my hair and eye makeup (I only wear mascara and eyeliner).

By the time I was done, my brother had already left, which meant I was home alone. I tried finding some cute earrings to wear-silver snowflakes was the cutest ones I could find so I decided to just wear those.

Around 11, I texted my friend Lia saying I was going to start heading over to her house since we were going together.

Once I got to her house, I re-curled  her hair. The day before I had curled her hair but it got a bit loose when she slept so I fixed it up for her. I put her hair in a half up hair due. When I was done, her hair looked like Ariana Grande.

After getting her hair done we decided to make something to eat before we left.

At 1:23 p.m, we left her house to go to the hotel where the event was taken place.

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