What I can remember

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From what I can remember she was a major drunkard and smoker. She was constantly drunk and put me and my big sister who had moved out, in danger she can remember more than I. She nearly killed me twice.First, she gave me asthma and when I had my asthma attack I was rushed to the hospital. I think I was either one or two, because my dad meet my step-mom when I was three. Daddy said I knocked the doctor's glasses off. The second was when she had started to try to stop drinking. 

Second, she had been sober for a few months and my dad trusted her to go to the store with me, once again one or two I was. I think she came through the side wall of our quaint house with the car with her and me hammered. My dad still doesn't know she managed to get drunk, but she did. Then, the final straw was when she wanted one more chance of redemption and went to Mississippi for some get sober Christian thing, when my dad got a phone call. She had crashed into a ditch under the influence and Daddy filed for divorce. 

Then he meet my step-mom.But not before a good long time of nothing but pizza, macaroni and cheese, and the occasional sardine. To some of you, that may sound like a good life, but not when you had barely enough to feed three people. After a while of being lost in thought I sensed somebody staring at me.

 I can be oblivious, but I'm not stupid, I had a feeling I'd be out here fore a while, so in the confusion I grabbed a pocket knife. I undid it and said"Who's there?" In a firm and loud voice. "Please show your self or selves or just leave me alone."

Something emerged, tall and skinny with brown shaggy hair and orange goggles. "Now why would we do that when we just trying to return a favor?" The figure asked innocently.

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