Chapter 1: The prophecies

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The two friends decided to go hunting, so they packed their bags full of traps, Zedrin got his sword and Nico got his quiver and bow and went to the forest.

About an hour later, after hunting birds, crocodiles, fish and much more, they got tired and went home, without noticing two shiny blue eyes gazing at them in the shadows. Just as they were halfway through, a blue arrow hissed past them, landing in a tree a few feet next to them, suddenly a dark shadow appeared, revealing a beautiful girl, with pale green eyes and curly brown hair, she wore a green dress, with sparkly white stars and little green hearts around it.

She noticed the dark haired boy glaring at her lovingly and asked sharply "what are you looking at?" It took a few seconds for him to realize what she was talking about and quickly dropped his glare "oh, uh...nothing" he muttered. She rolled her eyes "well then" she said "follow me". Zed and Nico followed through the forest into a huge wooden cottage, it looked like no one has lived there for years, with fallen the windows sealed and rats entering the house, it looked spookier than a vampire house.

Inside the scary house there was an old stone kitchen with spider webs filling the sink and the stove, next to the old kitchen was a dirty wooden table, with two nicely polished wooden chairs.

This place was so creepy that they wanted to get out now. The girl told them to sit, but none of them obeyed, so she sat there instead, Zedrin nor Nico had the faintest idea of why they were here, and they haven't the faintest idea of who the strange girl was waiting for and why.

After a few minutes of waiting for nothing, a plump old woman appeared on the stairs, she looked no less than sixty, with short white hair and dark green eyes, she wore a huge pink shirt that make her look fat and short rainbow pants that made her look like an old weirdo. She sat at the only spare chair left, but the chair was so small that just half her bottom sat, while the other half was in free air, so she decided she could just stand next to the chair.

She turned to the girl "Lili, could you please tell me what those strangers are doing here?" She asked.

The girl called Lili rubbed her head furiously "for the last time Elisa, do not call me Lili, I prefer you calling me Liliana Vandalia or just Liliana"

Elisa drew a deep breath "okay Liliana," she said roughly "now could you please tell me what those strangers are doing in my house?"

Nico tried to hide his laughter, this... her house? He laughed in his mind, how could this be a house? How could this creepy place possibly be called a house? No one would want to live in a creepy place like this, no one!!

While he was thinking about the life in this house, Liliana replied to Elisa "these boys, you told me a few years ago that when I turn sixteen I will have help to save princess Rozella" when she mentioned the word 'princess' Nico started to listen and asked "uh, I have a question, who is princess Gorilla?"

"'Rozella' nut brain 'Rozella' and about your question... she... she is the princess of our kingdom... she is the Moonkin princess" she began to brush her hair with her hand.

"Whoa!!!" he flushed with anger" first of all, do not call me nut brain, I'm pretty sure I'm a lot smarter than my friend Zed, even though he is the prince of the Starkin castle"

"Hey!!!" Zed exclaimed.

Nico ignored him and continued, "and second of all, I have never heard of a kingdom called Moonkin in my life, are you sure you said it right?"

Liliana gasped "you have never heard of my home?!!" she looked like she was going to faint.

"Well, I only know the Starkin and the Sunkin kingdom."

"Humph, you don't know anything the Sunkin lord did to our kingdom."

Both boys looked at her curiously, "what did the Sunkin lord do to your kingdom?" Zed asked.

She crossed her legs in a way of showing she was going to explain something dreadful "well" she said "it was a long time ago, about 40 years ago, when Rozella's mother, Queen Elisabeth was ruling our home, she was about 24, when prince Ivor came and kidnapped her, then we went to a damp dungeon, I was just a month old. No one knew where she went. But then after a few months, we heard from the Sunkin kingdom that the prince had a newborn baby, well, we had to go and see the baby because we were prisoners, as you know.

'When we saw the baby and her family, it gave us such a fright!! The mother was none other than our queen Elisabeth Belles. We shouted at her for betrayal but my mother didn't, because she was looking at the eyes of the queen, and she saw deep in her eyes that she didn't do it on purpose.

'So she told everyone, and then there was a huge fight, apparently they won, but no one knew that we lost someone with the ability to see the future, someone that was so calm during the fight, someone that we'll never see again" tears appeared in her eyes.

Zed gasped "you don't mean... you don't mean to say... Elisabeth d-died? Along with her daughter?"

"And could the queen really see the future?" Nico added.

"Well" she said, wiping a tear "the queen was in the castle eating lunch when she suddenly spoke like three Elisabeths at the exact same time, and her beautiful blue eyes turned rich gold" she shuddered, though it was surprisingly warm inside "and this is what she said:

'The day when the sky falls to the earth,

And the princess finds her prince,

The king shall end his life with the king,

And peace will come to prisoners,

So the true king will have his throne.

He shall die four times

The final death he will lose his breath

And go with the queen who was once killed

And love and sadness will make impossible things

For the innocent one.'"

Nico imagined how horrible it would be hearing a prophecy right in the middle of a delicious dinner.

"What does it mean 'the king shall end his life with the king?'" asked Zed"and 'the day when the sky falls to the earth' and-"

"Shut up! Stupid boy" snapped Elisa.

Zedrin gulped, he wasn't used to being called a stupid boy, so he stood there quietly for the rest of the conversation.

Liliana smiled broadly, and then she continued " after she finished, her eyes went back to normal and she fell unconscious to the floor, but the next instant, she stood up just as fast as she fell, she had her eyes golden again and chanted another prophecy in the same strange voice,

'Sixteen years later,

The princess will dive

With three travellers

Who will fix the cloak,

And one of them will save the girl,

While the other will save her life,

And the smallest but the greatest,

Will show bravery with death and life

Then the traitor whom they trusted,

The traitor who killed the friend,

Will dive and drown,

And be never seen again'"

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