Chapter 1

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wuahh the moment of freedom we have sommer holidays, that means we have 6 weeks holidays . and in 3 days im sweet 17 the time has gone so fast I can remember when I was little...nothing was as complicated as it is now . Im not a person that crys about everything but the last years were very hard because I didn't have a good relationship especially with my parents . They hit me , and everything is my fault but with the time I don't even care about anything because I go my own Brother is nicer than my parents, he is 20 and we still keep in touch with each other, he has his own apartment. So im alone at home the most time.

sometimes I wish I had a boyfriend because theres someone who can make me smile everyday and I just want to have this butterfly feeling . I never had one but I was in love with someone but I gave up because I think no one wants me.Im ugly and yeah I don't know ,I think im forever alone .Anyway we have holidays and its my birthday soon. suddenly a random girl from my school appeard and ask if i'm going to do a party ....SHIT....I never spent a thought to do a birthday party.lessi takes the word and says :"yes we will do the biggest and best party you've ever seen" the girl looks at me with a huge smile on her face and waits till I nod ehmm yeah I will plan a party...but...." ok nice she can't wait and then she runs away. oh no what have I done ,biggest mistake .because of lessi everyone expects a big badass party .

I look at her with a little bit angry face and say :,, lessie ? isn’t it my Birthday ? haha I don’t know how to plan 

all this stuff I never did something like this and know everyone waits for the perfect party ! how should we do that 

in 3 days ? “ lessi stares at me and when I finished my sentence she starts like ,, Honey 1. We will rock that  party 

like we celebrate the last party in our lifes 2. Im your best friend I will help you and btw my boyfriend will help us 

too ohh and I have to tell you after something about him but anyway 3. Maybe  you meet someone Pretty ….a boy ? ! “ and 

wink at me . I slap her in the face and we start laughing loud like we do that always and the other people think we are two 

crazy girls. 

then we walk to lessis house and planned a bit for the party , we talked about that we will do the party 

at her house because hers is bigger than mine and her parents left the house yesterday till next week and my parents 

wouldn’t be happy if we would do a big party at our house….and they would stalk everyone haha. After that we decided to 

meet eachother tomorrow morning at 10.00o’clock at her house again to plan the rest for the party . 

Woaa Finallly at 

home , I just want to take of the clothes and want to jump in my bed and sleep a bit. I lay in my bad with my baggy shorts 

and a wide tanktop from my brother. He left it here when he moved, and everyday when I had an argue with my parents and 

I wished he was beside me I wear his tanktop as today. I lay in my bed and had just the light chains on over my bed and 

thought about everthing and suddenly It came into my brain that lessi wanted to tell me something about her boyfriend 

Max and his family or something,but I thought it isn’t very important when she forgot to tell me haha . I put my 

earphones in my ears and played some music exactly All Time Low omg I love them .

Saturday morning 

*alarm clock * If 

you can't hang then, there's the door, baby If you can't hang then, there's the door, baby (sleeping with sirens) omg 

its to early…I open my eyes and saw my mother and she stares at me like a fucking bird. ,,Good morning ‘’ I say but she 

ignore that and start talking with an angry voice and face ,, Mina cmon wake up you little nothing Yesterday I said that 

you have to tidy up  and clean the house and you did nothing …..NOTHING ? why ? ‘’ than she gave me a heavy slap in my 

face and my face turned red and blue before I could answer she pulled me out of my bed and and hold both of my arms strong 

in hers and screamed : ,, You have no talents you can’t even tidy or clean a room you are ugly and you don’t deserve us 

as your parents omg you are just ……anyway go and tidy the house now or you have to go because ee cant use for anything 

‘’ and throws me down on the floor and walks out of my room and give me a mean laugh cmon hurry up !!! I still lay 

shocked down on the floor and feel how the tears fill my eyes I stand up quickly washed my hair slipped into my black 

skinny jeans,a thank top,a hoodie and took my blue vans out then i packed my bag with clothes and everything and run still in 

tears out of my house and run down the street to lessis house . I couldn’t think normal and didn’t realise what just 

happened . Finally I’am at lessis house. My face has a blue/ green touch and my dark blond  long hair hangs fluffy around 

my neck on my upper body. I ring at the door and I tremble all over my body and still cry It broke my heart what my 

mother has done to me. I look to the ground and Im in thoughts suddenly I saw that someone opened the door and I look 

from the feet to the skinny legs over the strong upper body and I landed on a handsome face with blue beautiful eyes .

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