Taming Mr. Bad Boy

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Chapter One


"God, Alissa, I've missed you so damn much, you bitch!" my best friend, Emily, nearly screamed as soon as she saw me walk into the bustling, overcrowded school hall.

Oh, she's just too kind, I thought sarcastically, laughing at her excited expression.

In a year, she hadn't changed much, apart from a few more highlights in her shoulder-length, caramel hair. She walked - no, sprinted - towards me, then threw her arms around me, giving me one of her near-decapitating, tight, quite painful hug.

Believe me, I wish I was over-reacting.

"Em, you know, I would enjoy your hugs, if they weren't so painful," I chuckled over her shoulder, squeezing her in return.

After a few more seconds of squeezing the bloody life out of me, she finally stepped back. A sheepish grin was plastered on her face. "Sorry, but, you know how I get when I hug people, especially if I haven't seen them in an entire year! So, how was London? Did you get lucky with any English hotties?" she winked at me.

I mocked an outraged look on my face. "Of course not, you perv!"

She held her hands up in surrender. "Don't shoot me, you can't blame a girl for asking. Anyhow, seriously now, how was it?"

I smiled, trying to appear nonchalant, but in reality wanting to avoid anything about the whole I-ran-away-to-England-for-an-entire-year thing. "It was great, my cousin, you know, Kayla, was lovely. The flight though, ugh, I get shivers just thinking about it," I grimaced, remembering the creepy middle aged man, who kept staring at me *cough, perv, cough* and the naughty kid that wouldn't stop screaming and throwing things - at me.

"Oh, how did you ever survive such a frightful experience," she gasped over dramatically. In return, I did probably the most childish thing ever, and stuck my tongue out at her.


"Yeah, yeah, don't get your panties in a twist."

"Shut up," I grinned, shoving her playfully.

"Now, now, girlies, this is not the time, nor place to start a bitch fight," a voice tutted behind Emily and I. Turning around, I saw my awesomely psycho boy best friend, Oliver standing behind me, beaming. His fingernails were painted a fluorescent shade of purple nails, his blonde hair hung stylishly over his forehead and he was still as petite as he was a year ago.

"Ollie!" I squealed, diving into his open arms.

"That's it, sweetie, let it all out," he joked, like he was some sort of councillor.

"Who are you? Oprah Winfrey?"

"I find it insulting that you'd rather hug Oliver than me," Emily said as she walked down next to us.

Oliver huffed dramatically. "Oh, dear Emily, I'm just the favorite. Deal with it, bitch face."

"It's on, dumbass."

"Guys, chill," I laughed, slung my bag over my shoulder and headed to class as they continued their childish bickering.


A soft sigh escaped from my mouth as Emily and I sat down in our seats. There was a fake skeleton hanging at the front of the classroom, and a poster showing the internal organs of the human body with labels stuck on them. The teacher, Mrs. Bates stood at the side of her desk, assessing every students with narrowed eyes.

"I'm so gonna fail this class," Emily said, pouting as she slumped into her seat.

I rolled my eyes at her. "How are you going to fail?"

"Well, for a start my ex is here, the one I dated when you were, uh, away," she stuttered over the last part of her sentence, but I ignored it and egged her on. "Mrs. Bates despises me, for some reason, and the boy I have a crush on is in this class."

I laughed at her annoyed-and-scrunched-up face. "Stop doing that face. You look constipated."

Just as she was about to reply to my little comment, the teacher started walking around the class. "Settle down, now. I see you all look rather happy where you're sitting right now, but don't get too comfortable. I'm moving you all in order of your names on the school register." Nearly all of the class groaned out loud at her revelation, whilst the ones who didn't have any friends in the class just stayed un-bothered. "Stop moaning, if I actually let you sit by your friends you'd never manage to complete your work."

After that, the class shut up and obeyed her. Emily got paired with a girl named Lauren, who I vaguely remembered as being a nice, but quiet girl. My name came up pretty quick, and one thought was running through my mind at that moment.


"Alissa Morris, you're partner for the year is Mason Lopez."

I lifted my head to look at the boy who stood up, and was walking towards me. His dark brown, chocolate coloured eyes met mine, and I swear if I hadn't been in class I would've fainted. He was my definition of hot, with tanned skin, a strong, defined jaw with a light five o'clock shadow, and dark brown hair, naturally highlighted with colours that ranged from brown so dark it was nearly black and lighter shades as well. He also had some muscles, but they weren't bulging, and I could see the outline of his torso muscles. 

Shit, I thought. He was a hot guy. A very hot, tall, attractive guy, who was currently striding towards my desk with his thin lips pressed into a tight line.

Fuck my life.



Hey guys! Soo, this idea has been kinda stuck in my head for a while, and if it it too short, too rushed or whatever, please tell me x

Also, thanks if you've read up to here, it means a lot to me.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2013 ⏰

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