Orange Popsicles ( Harrys styles fandom)

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Orange Popsicles

Author's note: first time writing a oneshot, really hoping it doesn't suck. Feedback is absolutely welcome!

Ali walked into the kitchen and opened the freezer to grab, yet another, Orange Popsicle. Being on her period made her crave the delicious treat; although in the back of her mind she remembered another reason why she loved Orange Popsicles.

They reminded her of Harry.

While she sucked away at the delightful delicacy she remembered the first time she tried one.

*flash back begins*

"Harry, have you seen any Green Popsicles?"
Harry looked over towards the voice in the kitchen, finishing the last Green Popsicle. "Um, were there any left...?" He got up and threw the wrapper away and joined Ali in the kitchen. 
"Yes I saw one in here earlier. Now I desperately want it." Ali said a little irritated. "Try an Orange Popsicle? They're my favorite." He said smiling as he reached in the freezer, seeing as all of the orange were left. "Ew, Harry those are disgusting!" 
"No they aren't!" Harry protested, while he opened the Popsicle and stuck it in between his soft pink lips.

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