Back in Time

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This day was supposed to be our day. This day should have been the start of our happy ending. You should have been walking along the aisle right now, wearing your wedding dress, which makes you a total goddess while I wait for you on the altar, mesmerized by your beauty. I should have been happy right now, we should have been happy right now, but no, I'm not, we're not, and I supposed will never ever should be.

I traced my fingers on your name that is engraved in the tomb and I cry again. All I can do now is cry. The pain I'm feeling right now is unbearable. How could this happen to us? We were happy just last week, planning about the life we'll have after our wedding. How you will wake up early to cook breakfast and how you will whisper in my ears when it's ready. I remember how we joke around to form a basketball league with our children, as you say, "The more the merrier" and I agreed instantly with a fit of laughter. I miss the times when you'll suddenly kiss me and hug me and tell me how much you love me. I miss you. I miss you so much. How could be fate so cruel for you and me?
I lie down beside you and close my eyes. All I can do now is reminisce our past if I ever miss you because that's all I have left with you, memories. I smiled a bitter smile and our memories suddenly flash in my head.

I was going to be late for the first day of school that day so I run as fast as I can to get on the bus on time. As I step on the bus and search for my wallet, I realize that it's missing! I started to panic because I'm really going to be late if I can't ride this bus. Suddenly, you board on the bus, smiled at me and paid for two persons. I just stand there, dumbfounded. How on earth is an angel here? Really, you're my angel. With your angelic face and kind attitude, you would have mistaken for an angel. I was brought back to my senses when the bus moves and so I search for a sit available, which is the sit beside you. Fate is really good at this. Even if I feel so ashamed with my mistake, I sat beside you and said my thanks. You smiled at me. I was lost in your smile and I'm sure that your smile is the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. On the way to school, I secretly thank myself for forgetting my wallet at that time.

I face to my side and extend my arms so I could hug you. When can I hug you again? I miss your warmth. I miss the feeling of your lips on my neck, the way you're breath fans my face when we cuddle. I miss how we stayed in bed if we feel lazy. I miss everything about you. I miss your laugh, the way your eyes sparkle when you find something funny. I can live listening to your laugh all day, if only I could do that.

Our first encounter was followed by series of encounters. I also learned that we're schoolmates. We became close, became best friends. I remember how people used to ship us. They said we could make a good couple, and so we did, because you and I fell in love with each other.

I remembered how I chickened out when I confess to you because I can't afford to lose our friendship. But I man up and told you how much I love you, the night when I asked you to have dinner with me and climbed up to the rooftop to see the night's scenery. I remember how your eyes glowed with happiness, the way you said you love me too and the way our lips felt against each other. How happy I am that I can officially call you mine.

That night on the rooftop was beautiful and amazing. It was supposed to be a night to make us happy, but now, all I can feel is pain. Could we still climbed up to that rooftop and see the beautiful scenery below? Can I still kiss you and hug you and confess my love to you over and over again? I close my eyes and let my tears fall; because I know that it will never happen again.

For four years, we've been happy, though we experienced ups and downs, we're still happy because we know that problems and challenges cannot break us apart. Our love is stronger than them. I've been so sure with you. I knew that I want to spend my whole life with you. I can imagine myself growing old while holding your hands and looking at our children. I've never been so sure in my life.

So, the night when we're at the beach to have fun, I proposed to you. I even annoyed your friends just to help me out. And I'm glad that they did, because I can't imagine myself living without you. I remembered how your eyes widen when you walk to the beach and saw the petals and all the candles that were put on the sand. I remembered how your eyes watered when you saw your family with me and how I knelt in front of you. I was nervous. But the nervousness that I felt was paid off because you pulled me to stand and kiss me in front of everyone. You said yes.

I cried once more remembering the night when I confess to you. We're happy. We both have stable jobs. We already planned on buying a two storey house. We already planned everything. I thought that only good things will happen after that. But things don't go as what we think they will because just last week, I've lost you.

We planned a dinner date that night. We'll eat to our favourite restaurant after work. We're so excited for our wedding that we literally can't sleep at night. I remembered how I teased you, told you you'll horrible if you can't get enough sleep. But, it's all a joke, because even without make up, dishevelled hair and even if you look like a zombie, you're still the most beautiful woman in the world for me.
I remembered how I rushed to the hospital when I got the phone call. I remembered how I hard I prayed that night. And I remembered how my world crumbles down when I heard the news of the doctor. "Sorry, we didn't make it", were the words that destroyed my whole world.

I looked up to the sky and I saw your smiling face. If only I could turn back the time, I should have been there with you. You shouldn't have been hit by that car, and you should have been here with me. If only I can do that. If only....

Darkness enveloped me and I feel a severe headache. Before I lost my consciousness, I saw you, smiling at me, and I smiled back.

"Uhm, excuse me"


"Is he okay?"

I feel pain all over my body. I heard voices around me and I slowly open my eyes. The sun's light blinded me for a second, but the moment my eyes adjusted to the light, I feel my mouth wide open.

"Hey, are you okay? You slip while running to the bus. You fall, face first and you lost consciousness. I brought you to the hospital."

I wipe my eyes and stared again to the girl who spoke to me.

"I'm Seohyun, by the way, and you are?"

I can't believe what's happening right now. I stared at you for a moment and when I realized your still extending your hand to me, I quickly took it and felt the warmth of your hand.

"I'm... I'm Jung Yonghwa"

I still don't know how it happened or why this happened but yes, I'm back in time where we first met. And I can't waste this chance to save you from death.

This is so lame OMG >.<

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