Healed up

757 29 6

(Kevin No. 1)
Finally half a year of staying put in the old clubhouse and practically strapped to one of the ratty old mattresses I am fully healed.
"God, it's good to move again." I stated, stretching out my stiff muscles. "Could use a shower though."

"You and Double D both could use one." Johnny snickered from his seat in the lined up rows. "But no one knows how to make that happen in this junk pile."

I raised my artificial hand and pretended to shoot him. I've been going insane lying low here, review that mine and Edd's heads are wanted by the Facility while there is a slight possibility that I am wanted dead by the Underground. So I haven't been able to enjoy real sunlight for a while.
"I know that but you'd think Edd would let me go through the sewers by now with him to get supplies." I grumbled. "I'm almost tempted to just go home. It's right over the hill."

"Relax Kevin, why not do a few laps around the place to keep you occupied?" Johnny suggested. "Ya know, keep in shape. All you've been doing lately is either moping around or being paranoid like the roof will cave in any second."

It's irritating how true all that is. Bones rubs it in my face at how he is the one that gets to go with Edd below ground and how I owe him a favor for the connection to replacing my hand. I just want to kill the creep.

I'm pretty sure Eddward is getting tired of the Other Stephen's wandering hands too.

There's that too, both sides of the creep flaunts off that he is the 'romantic interest'. Grrrr.....

"Uh, dude?" Johnny spoke up nervously. "You're going the shatter your teeth grinding them that hard." He held out a stick of gum, I just smacked it away. I want a fucking cigarette.

"Okay Johnny," the squawking voice of Eddy entered the space. "Shift change." Finally someone to fight with.

We waited for the trash lid to hit the tunnel entrance that signaled the door was shut. Then a small package hit my face.
"Cool down on the those Shovelchin." Eddy grumble taking a seat. "I brought cards too to keep you from dying of boredom."

I looked at the package. Cigarettes. Hallelujah, my wish has been granted.
I opened the pack and stuck a tobacco tube between my lips before patting around for my matches. Dammit did Nazz take them while I was out or did Edd to keep me from lighting the place on fire?

"Need a light?" Eddy asked holding out his metal lighter. "Johnny took your matches for job reasons I think."

I took the lighter and lit the cigarette. Inhaling the smokey piece of heaven, I eyed Eddy suspiciously.
"What's all this about?" I questioned with a quirked brow. When you receive something from someone that runs the black market, always expect there to be a price in return.

Eddy just looked through his communicator messages and the newline. "I prefer to stay alive thanks. So just chill out." he muttered. "Johnny 's right you've been either moping or paranoid."

I blew smoke at him and didn't get a coughing reaction, not even a sideways glance, which irritated me even more. "You seem pretty relaxed right now." I stated.

"Yea," he murmured softly, almost thoughtfully. "Maybe it's cause the big bad sheriff put himself on a leash and is now a puppy dog."

I choked on smoke after he finished and ended up coughing. After I managed to keep from coughing up a lung I stood up, towering over his slumped form. "What did you say, ya little shit?" I questioned, daring him to repeat the whole thing.

"You heard me shovelchin." He returned the glare head on. "You make it obvious that you listen to Double D and no one else." the short shit pointed out. "So don't try the bad dog act with me asshole, you lost the title."

Now that, that made me sit back down. In training I thrived on the adoration and fear of my classmates, now I.... I lost it? I lost it all.
I let that crushing realization sink in. All that training, all the options, so close to being moved to another Facility. All that crushed and changed to breaking out of this prison cell. And for what? The fear of being killed by my own bosses? The anger of driving away tons of families that were only slightly different? Or for Edd and his safety?

We lost it all. But you gained more than you know.

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