Why am I alive?

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hihi author here am too hyped with sarumi so why not please enjoy and dont mind me I cried as I thought of the idea this is set after season one but before return of kings
Saru's pov
*walking in some alley and thinking*((...Misaki haven't been looking at me these days and its been months....what have I been doing wrong?.))*The sound of a skateboard grating cement could be heard*I smirked and looked at the shorter male."How has it been? Mi...Sa..Ki?"...I slowly dragged the name of his in a mocking tone as he stared at me"(( I miss that gaze..)) I unconsciously licked my lips."its been better without you damn saru and now you're here.just great"..((I felt my heart breaking as he said it.,Strange...)) I leaned my back against the wall "yeah yeah"as I slowly looked at him, I wonder what came over me as I pinned him onto the ground."W-what are you doing you damn monkey!?!", Misaki exclaimed, shocked."ne~Mi...Sa..Ki.."I lit my blue flame to my fingers, back then this *I touched my homra tattoo with my free hand*was the same so lets make it the same again.."I forcibly put my hand closer to his homra tatoo." ((come on that look of hatred ,resist me , fight me...))He just pushed me away and covered his face with his hand,tears with his eyes. ((This is not right stare at me)) I put out my flame.Misaki said with a whimper,"..just.leave..me...alone..stop...involving..me...in....your...life..." ((who am I?who is this?why did this happen?.))..I looked down and walked away,"alright consider me dead."
*Time skip, few days later*
I stared at the ceiling ((since when did work suck so much everyday just working pointlessly if there was no work, days of sleep just ensues)..*takes out a penknife from his sleeve and laughs bitterly*Its been so long my old friend...I pulled at my wristbands ruthlessly and begin to slit my wrist with cuts as I watched the blood flow... ((yet the body still survives..)) I slammed the pen knife down, closed my eyes and fell asleep.
In dream
*niki appears infront of him*
"hi little monkey~, I missed you so much how have been? the face you're giving is just great".."Go away"..I hissed at him.He just walked to me,ruffled my hair and smiles."Im here to welcome you, you're gonna join me.Face it that kid the only one who bothered to be friends with you gone.All of your precious things from small world.It became so dark and maybe smaller that I know theres barely even space for you and you want out." He grabbed my wrists."This is proof so stop stalling already.I'll be waiting~..He disappears and Misaki appear.."Just join him already,that way you'll totally be out of my life.I regret ever being friends with you."Misaki slowly walked away while a part of me was screaming to chase after him..
Back to the scepter 4 dorm
*wakes up with a jolt and tears in his eyes*..."I dont want to see him but its better than living in this dark lonely place"..I slowly grabbed my neck gently though my hands were shaking."Don't hesitate. No one would care, not even bothering to go to your funeral*thinks of misaki*..especially not him. He said so himself"...*grabs it more tighter,it becomes harder to breathe, spots appeared infront of him and he felt his vision going darker and darker when he heard a knock and instinctly let go of his neck and hid under the couch. . *panting*((who could it be?..no one cares about me..))
Misaki's pov
*walking towards saru's door and nervously rubbing his fingers*I'm definitely not worried for stupid saru why did the blues have to tell me he's probably gonna scoff at me and said I told him not to involve himself into my life and now im doing it voluntarily. ..*sighs*When he told me to consider him dead I didnt know he meant it literally. ..
*phone rings*"who could it be"..I looked at my phone and it wasnt in my contacts.I answered it and I heard the blue king
"Hi yata-kun".."what do you want from me how do you even know my number" "about your number we'll keep that for later but to the issue right now fushimi kun hasnt been going to work recently we checked his room and he was there but the thing was no matter what we did he wouldn't wake up and he looked really pale he could be dead..I gasped. (( I know I told him not to involve himself into my life but its not like I want him to die)) "so what do you want from me?.."its obvious is it not? go check if he's still alive" "alright"..I hanged up.
Flashback over
stupid saru.....I knocked the door and there was no reply.The blue king's words ringed in my head"he could be dead"..I shaked my head and realised that it wasnt locked.I walked in."Saruhiko?"I exclaimed and there was no reply.I searched the whole dorm but there was no signs of him that was until I noticed the table and the couch.I slowly walked towards it and cursed..."You really want to die, dont you?..I said as I stared at the blood stains on the couch and the penknife."where could you be?"..I said and quickly dashed out.
Saru's pov
"That was close...why did he even come here its not like he cares"I said as the glimpse of hope that he woukd return slowly dimmed until there was nothing. I slowly got out from underneath the couch "more people may come bothering me"..I slowly staggered and took my phone and ear buds.I quicly took the penknie and left the room heading towards a tall building..
Time skip, he reached the top of the building
When I reach the top of the building and staggered towards the exact spot me and misaki were back during our school days..I scoffed."In the end, we didnt even catch the blimp.I miss those days..The past is the past theres no going back"..I took the penknife and stabbed it deeply and just let the blood flow out.I dapped my finger onto the blood and wrote,"KILL ME!!!..//anyone gets the reference?ouo no no alright uwu//I stepped onto the ledge of the building and put on my earpuds as it started to rain."perfect".. I randomly chose a song and it played and I scoffed.."we used to hear this song together"..I sticked a leg out"thats the past he doesnt bother about me anymore..*the memory of misaki finding him*"thats just fake.".I closed my eyes.."Saruhiko!!"I heard his annoying voice.((why wont he just let me die )) I took out my ear buds, I still heard a familiar yet distant song but ignored it and stared straight into the skies."what?Mi...Sa..Ki?..I thought you told me not to involve myself into your life so why are you interfering with mine?..my voice betrayed me so its came out shaky and in a whisper.."saru"..I heard him panting and his foot steps getting louder. "come closer and ill jump"I heard his abrupt pause.."saru..dont do it".."why its not like you care". "I do" "liar" "I really do" ((stop it..stop giving me hope)) "You're only saying it as I want to sucide..bye Misaki"..I closed my eyes and was about to jump when all of a sudden music got louder I felt myself getting sleepyier and I was pushed backwards into Misaki arms...after that I was pulled into a deep sleep.
Misaki's Pov
"what was that?"..."anyways at least you safe now"..I hugged him tightly and wiped the tears in his eyes "And he was acting all brave like"..I noticed words on the floor.."Bakahiko"...I gently carried him back to his dorm..
Third Pov
As misaki left with saru,Ghosty Tatara was watching them leave ,smiling happily yet a little sad."This is all I can do..gambatte misaki.."he said as he slowly floats away.

*rolls*that was fun hope you guys like it*throws packets of tissues around*I cried again writing it uwu and I finished the second chapter as I wrote this chapter on a plane and it was a long flight so why not why im not publishing it too ? suspense man bye

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