Imagine.. Going on a Roller Coaster with Jared Leto

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"I can't decide.. Uhm.. What do you think?" You can see Jared looking at you through the corner of your eye, but you are paying no attention;  you are completely distant. 

"Sorry, what? I was thinking about something else.." You trail off, shaking your head, trying to return to reality. 

"I'll take the candy floss, thanks." He says to the lady inside the van whilst keeping his look completely locked onto you. "Is everything OK?" He says to you, without even blinking. 

Everything was not OK. You had been seeing Jared for just over a month and things still all felt very early, you hadn't even kissed yet, you didn't feel like you could trust anyone to the point where you'd let them kiss you at all. When you told him how much university was stressing you out, he purposely cancelled all his plans for the next couple of days and decided to treat you to various days out; today was a theme park. Jared absolutely loved theme parks. You saw his eyes light up whilst he was driving as he pulled into the car park. His smile followed the spark behind his eyes: you'd never seen him park the car and get out more quickly before. Although you had known him for almost a year now, it had never come up in conversations how much you hated theme parks. The heights, the spins, the jolts, the jumps.. You hated all of it. Whereas Jared... Jared was in his element. 

"Yeah, everything's fine thanks. What would you like to go on first?" You tried to sound as sincere as possible, but your voice still wavered as you looked at the scaling rides in front of you. 

His eyes widened a little, still locked in position. He could tell everything was not alright, you could tell. What you couldn't tell was if he understood why. He started to turn around slightly and wrapped his arms around your waist tightly that made you feel even more uneasy. You didn't want to let him see you cry, neither did you want to be sick in front of him.. But you knew both of those things were inevitable if you were to go on any roller coaster. You were only just finding your feet around one another as a couple, you didn't want to screw it up. You wanted anything but it. 

"How about that one?" He ushered his hand toward one of the tallest, loopiest, most sickening rides in the park. It had 5 consecutive loops followed by a huge incline into the high heavens from your perspective. 

"Sure" You said through gritted teeth. 

You managed to catch a cheeky smile formulating on Jared's mouth that he tried his hardest to hide from you, he was such a kid at heart. He pulled you in closer and you continued to walk toward to line.

It was 40 minutes of agonizing waiting until you finally got to the front of the line, ready to get right to the front of the roller coaster. Jared looked as happy and excited as a little puppy; he was practically running to get to the front 2 seats. 

"Come on silly! Get in the front! Best seats in the house!" He said, promising a wink toward you which still made you blush after all this time. 

You slowly slide yourself under the bar which gets pushed down onto your legs as you look straight ahead, trying to imagine what horrors awaited. A jolt coursed thought all the mechanics and the roller coaster started. Quickly, you flapped for Jared hand which was calmly sitting on his lap.

"What's wrong?" He said with a smirk which turned to genuine concern a few seconds later as he realized you were not not joking.

"I want to get off. I don't want to be on here. Please Jared I want to get off now I really hate roller coaster I am so sorry I didn't tell you, I've screwed up your day I'm sorry!" You said, bawling into tears whilst gripping onto Jared's hand so hard that your knuckles went white. 

"Hey, hey, hey calm down a second, it's OK," He grabbed onto both of your hands a steadied them from your shaking. "You're going to be OK, just slow down a second.." He glanced back toward the crew that were now in the distance: there was no stopping the ride now. "OK, the ride will be over quick as a flash I promise. Look at me-" He looked straight into your eyes, locking his pupils with yours, attempting to intertwine his thoughts of settlement. "Close your eyes, hold my hands and just listen to me OK? Focus on what I'm saying.."

Jared was genuinely panicking for you. He thought you disliked roller coasters, but not to the point where your were crying and shaking. He gripped your hands tighter and tighter and then pushed his head as close to your ear as his harness could and he started to whisper some words that seemed familiar.. 

"..No warning sign, no alibi.."

The song that you had listened to every night you ever felt like giving up, your favorite song and the song Jared was singing the first time he ever saw you: standing in the crowd with the biggest smile across your face. As the speed of the ride started to increase, you began to shake even more to the point where if Jared wasn't gripping onto your hands tightly, you felt like you might fall out of your harness. He had managed to push his head far enough out to slowly press his forehead against yours and close his eyes, whilst continuing to sing with tones that resonated right through you. 

"..I fell apart.. But got back up again.." 

In that moment, you no longer felt scared. You pushed your head slightly away from Jared's and opened your eyes to see his focusing into you. The blue of his eyes settled yours immediately and you felt your whole body relax into his. The ride started to slow and incline as it reached the summit of the highest peak in the whole park. You could see everything, not only around the city, but into his eyes. All the worrying and barriers you built to stop Jared really seeing the silly things about you like your fear of roller coasters fell in a single second as you sat almost 100 ft in the air, arms intertwined with his and with eyes that finally understood each other. The ride finally came to a stop in mid air and in that moment of complete infinity, your eyes closed and your lips met. You haden't ever really let anyone in, and Jared had gotten you through more than anyone else in your whole life. The ride sped down the track at lightning speed, but the only rush you could feel was the one coursing through your body as he tightened his grip of your hands and kissed you. Time felt like it had stopped, you were the only people alive.

Jared pulled away, still looking into your eyes.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." You choked back

Jared let go of one of your hands and slowly sunk back into his harness and lifted his left arm and shouted as loud as he could, eyes closed and completely lost in the madness unfolding around him. Slowly but surely, you lifted your shaking right arm and did the same, whilst gripping onto his hand just as hard as before. 

As quickly as it had started, the ride came to a stop.

Your legs had the consistency of jelly and you had never felt more more adrenaline coursing through your system in your life, but you felt like someone had woken you up from a dream. Jared got out after you, ran over to you and hugged you tightly as your wrapped your still shaking arms around him as he pressed his head again the top of yours, making you start to cry again.

"I couldn't live without you" You blurted out, you didn't think you were going to say it but it rushed out before you had time to stop it.

"And I wouldn't want to" He whispered, sighing into your hair. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2013 ⏰

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