log entry: 05/12-2145

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It has been nine years since I planted the flag on this planet. This planet is different than we originally supposed. The climate is hot and tropical in all the places I have been. I have been able to explore most of the planet using the pod that I came here in. The dominant species is in just as great numbers as humans back on earth. They are omnivores, their diets consisting mostly of a long-eared, long-tailed vole like creature though they are much bigger than voles. They also eat a plant here that is purple and very juicy; it has little thorns that I pluck out before I eat them for they seem to have many nutrients necessary for human life. the aforementioned dominant species just eats them whole. The water here is very warm at all times and murky too though it is potable. The species themselves (who I have taken to calling ardorette) are hard to describe. They are rhino looking but are more heavily armored and a bright green to match the foliage; and have no head just a main mass with eyes, no nose or mouth but a trunk,and ears.

The Flag: 2 PLANTEDWhere stories live. Discover now