Dare to dare?

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May 9th, 2013 Journal entry #107

One week. One party. One dare. My whole life is at stake. God, I'm stupid. Maybe I've taken too many footballs to the head, or maybe, last night I drank too much. Yeah, that's it. This is all a dream caused by alcohol. Crap, who am I kidding? No one, that's who.

Ok you are probably confused by now. I'm trying to journal this, but it's so hard to believe it myself. I know you probably wonder why I have a journal, after all, it's considered nerdy. No, I don't write in it every day. Yes, I've had this all my life. There are only one hundred and seven entries because I only write what I think is important. This next week is very important.

I guess I will just start by introducing myself. Hi, I'm Brendan Reinartz. At school, I'm the football captain and am the ultimate jock. I also play baseball in the spring and summer. I have a pretty toned body, you may say.

Anyway, I'll explain what was so important last night. Quick and simple, I was dared to do something over the next week that if anyone found out about it, my life would be ruined. I'm not going to say what it is until I find a better place to hide this journal. I'll probably write on Monday. After all, my big week starts on Monday. I hate Mondays.

-Brendan Reinartz

* * *

May 8th (at the party)

Brendan's POV

'Man, I love parties,' I thought to myself as girl after girl threw herself at me. Most of them were drunk, but they would be acting the same way sober. I also love parties for the free alcohol. Well, it's free if you aren't hosting the party. Now you know the main reason I don't throw parties. I just get invited or crash other people's.

I broke free of the doting parade of women and joined the guys from the football team. They all gave me high-fives or patted my back. The only guy I would do the "guy-hug" with was my best friend, Vincent Tikovich. He's been my friend since I moved here back in seventh grade. He's a heartbreaker, just like me, except he is the player type. That boy is going to find a woman someday that will reject him, I'm pretty sure of that.

Vincent greeted me before saying, "hey dude, look at the dance floor," I did as he said, "go dance with the girl in the red dress."

I singled out the only girl with a red dress on. She was fairly tall, had long, mahogany-colored hair, and was super slim. She didn't look like the type I would date, but she seemed like a fun person to be around. I walked up to her as she moved to the beat of a new song. She smiled at me and continued to dance without a care in the world.

"May I dance with you," I asked.

She stopped dancing and put a finger on her chin thoughtfully, "mmm... I think I'm going to have to pass."

She flirtily waved before laughing and walking away. I shook my head and chuckled. Yup, she's fun to be around alright. I followed her until she sat on one of the sofas in the living room. I sat next to her and leaned in close so she could hear me.

"Hey, my name is Brendan Reinartz. What's yours," I asked while sticking out my hand.

She shook my hand and replied, "Sonia Evanson, we have a few classes together at school."

I nodded, "you sit in front of me in biology. I remember because of your curly hair. This is the first time I've seen you in a dress though, trying to find a new fashion style?"

She made a puking face, "no, I hate dresses. I only wore this hideous thing because it was the only way I could bribe my friend into coming here tonight."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2019 ⏰

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