Chapter one: a never ending dream

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The Beginning

His arms wrapped around me, his lips smothered me and my heart felt completed as he looked deeply into my eyes.

Suddenly I wake up with a heavy heart and a weary soul, "I only wish it was real," I sighed with an eye ready to explode with tears of sadness. I stood legs shaking as I see a boy with eyes of blue out of the shattered window that reminded me of my heart. With a motionless reaction he looks up and keeps walking like he sees nothing, I am a forgotten toy, that has been used way to many times. It's like he sees right through me, I'm nothing to him.

I see him in school but not a word that comes out of his cherry red lips,"maybe he doesn't see me, maybe I'm invisible?" Whatever the matter was it doesn't matter, not now any way, I see his so called girlfriend walking up to him and starts kissing him like crazy. But it's not the first time I've seen this, everyone keeps they're mouths shut because she's the most popular kid in school but everyone knows she's cheating on him. If only he had known the truth about Chloe.

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