*.¸¸.*'¯'* Chapter One *'¯'*.¸¸.*

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You listened attentively as Craig, the cameraman currently filming Once Upon A Time, told you about what normally happened on a day of filming.

"They'll do two last read-throughs, with and without script, while you and I are setting up."

You raised an eyebrow while passing a quick glance at the large camera behind him.

"But... what is there to set up?" You muttered. "The... The camera is already there..."

Craig chuckled. "Well yeah, but we also have to review angles and check with the lighting guys, then make sure the camera is working fine by doing a few test runs."

You just nodded, looking around curiously as crew members bustled about.

Today was your first day as a job shadow as cameraman. Normally, this spot would be impossible to land, but since you met some people in college you had a few good words put in for you. Surprisingly, it actually worked and you were accepted as a (sort of) cast member of the show Once Upon A Time.

Of course you were extremely excited, but a small part of you was having a major heart attack thinking about being in such a lively place with so many people.

"Hey, (y/n)," Craig smacked you in the back of the head. "Look alive dude, we have work to do."

Robbie glanced up from the script once again, taking another quick glance at the girl with the (h/l) (h/c) hair. He didn't realized he was spacing out until Jared nudged him.

"Dude, you keep staring into space. Are you okay?"

Robbie shook his head and let out a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah..." he replied. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Josh stared at him for a moment, obviously not convinced, before shrugging and continuing on to costume. Before Robbie could relax though, Ginnifer made her way up to him. Knowing that she was a sucker for romance (and could actually keep a secret) Robbie pointed towards the mystery girl.

"Hey, Ginnifer... Who's she?"

With a raised eyebrow, the woman followed her fellow cast members gaze and saw the new girl. Her lips instantly formed a smile, already recognizing the admiration in Robbie's eyes.

"That's (y/n)." she told him. "She's job shadowing Craig."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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