The Beginning

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Walking to set this morning was like walking to set any other morning except something was different. We were going to be outside today. There were numerous gazebos set up with tables of people filling out forms across the grassy area. I had no idea what this was about so I looked for Collins to find out what it could be. I glanced over to the table with coffee and snacks set up and spotted Collins talking to a blonde woman about the age of forty. Being as Collins is my talent manager, we are pretty close. I met Collins when I was four years old. Him and my dad were best friends at the time and they both could tell that I had talent. One day, I was singing and playing the keyboard that I had gotten the previous Christmas in the living room, and Collins asked my dad if I would be interested in playing a role in his upcoming show "Prodigies". And if course, my dad said only if my younger brother Sam gets to take part in it as. So not only am I an actor, but also a musician and that's where my career started.

"Hey Collins."

"Ah, Isaac Nathaniel! What could I do for you?"

"What in the world is going on?"

"Well, if you must know, I'm at it again. I'm making another movie!", he said excitedly.

"Well, that still doesn't explain all of these people an the forms that they are filling out." I say, holding one up.

"Okay, okay. I've asked a few of my usual actors to be in this movie. I asked you a few months ago if you remember and I needed a few more roles to be filled."

"So you jus asked people off the street to be in your said "movie"?"

"Yeah, basically."

"Collins, I don't think that it is such a good idea."

"Well, why not? I don't see a problem with it. Do you?"

"You don't even know if these people can act!" I say, apprehensively.

"Isaac Nathaniel. Just chillax, will you? You're so uptight! We are going to have the auditions this afternoon and I wanted you to help me."

"I actually have plans, Collins."

"Do you? Because going on a date with Netflix and falling asleep together isn't considered "busy"."

"Ugh whatever. I don't really want to help hold auditions, okay?"

"I'll buy you food after. Whatever you want. I'll even buy you dinner as well." He says, trying to persuade me to help.

"Collins, no amount of food will make me want to help you." I say as a short brunette walks up to Collins.

"Excuse me sir, are you Collins?" She asks.

"Yes of course! What could I do for you?"

"Well this application asks if I am willing to kiss any of the actors and I've never had my first kiss. Will there be anyone who can help me prepare for the movie?"

"Well what role are you applying for?"

"Rachel, the love interest of Ian." she says, shyly.

"Well what is your name?"

"My name is Riley Nicholson."

"Well Ms. Nicholson, come back at 3:30pm for an audition and we'll let you know if you got the part. Remember, just because you apply for a role, doesn't mean you will get to kiss one of my actors. But yes, you will have a kissing coach." He says.

"Thank you so much, Collins. I'll be back then."

From the moment Riley came over here, my eyes just stared at her. She had beautiful long flowing brown hair and blue eyes like the color of a pale blue sky. She was so beautiful.

"Collins, I changed my mind. I'm gonna help you with the auditions." I say, ever so confidently.

"Great. Looks like we have a deal. See you at 2?"

I go back to my car and get in. I look down the road and see a Hardee's. From that, I knew I wanted a burger and some curly fries. I don't like their straight fries. They don't taste as "curly" as the other ones. I pull into the parking lot of the restaurant. I go up to the ordering counter and ask for curly fries, a burger with cheese and bacon, and a Diet Coke. I feel like diet sodas have more "bubbliness" to them. Honestly, I prefer Pepsi over Coke, but it what they have. I wait for them to call my ticket number and I sit down at a table and eat while checking my phone for text messages. I see that I have a bunch of texts from unknown numbers. Probably just a bunch of fan girls trying to get my number. Endless messages now. Probably one hundred since I woke up this morning and it's only 11:30am. I take another bite of my burger, realizing that I would need ketchup for my fries. I get up, taking my phone with me and grab a bunch of ketchup packets. I go back to my table and notice that my half-eaten burger is gone. I slam my hand on the table next to my fries and look around. It's weird that they only took the burger and not the fries. The fries are so good. I spot a mob of girls by the door. One is eating a burger that looks like mine. Another girl points over to me and says

"OH MY GOSH! Isaac Nathaniel Sparksten is in OUR Hardee's. Like this is a BIG THING!"

A few of the other girls take out their phones and take pictures of me. I run out of the restaurant and get into my car. I speed out of the parking lot faster than lightening so that they can't see my license plate and follow me around. I mean, who knows?  Who knows what they will do? Maybe they will take a picture of it and put it on Twitter or something. At that point I was thinking
How did they know I was there? I don't have my location services enabled on my phone. That's weird. I just shake off the fact that those girls could be stalking me.

I decide to drive home for a bit. Just so thatI can take a shower, put on new clothes, and play some Grand Theft Auto before I have to go to set. I pull into my driveway and go into my house. Lucky, my pit bull, attacks me before I can get my whole body in the house. I look over at his bowls and see that he needs food and water. I go to the kitchen and feed him. I also fill up his water dish so that he won't get dehydrated. I go to my bathroom and turn on the water. I take off my clothes, one by one, until I'm naked. I get into the tub and turn on the shower setting. Water splashes onto my body with such pressure that isn't too hard, and it isn't subtle either. I grab some cheap body wash that I got for my birthday in December off of my shelf. It is scented beach waves. I pour some in my hand and lather it all over my body and then rinse it off. I look over to the array of shampoos and conditioners sitting on the towel shelf out side of my shower. I decide on some head and shoulders: men 2 in 1. I squeeze the bottle and the liquid drips onto my hands. I rub my hands through my hair trying to get my hair covered so that it will get clean. I rinse my hair and get out of the shower. I put on my towel and go to my room.

I pick up some jeans and a Beatles shirt and put those on. I go downstairs and turn on the Xbox. As it is loading up, I check the time. It's 1:34. I need to be there by 2. I figured a quick bit of playing won't do much damage. I wait for my game to come onto the screen. I wait for the main guy to get out of his apartment so that he can steal a car. By this point it is 1:45. I should probably go now. I turn off the Xbox and leave my house, noticing Lucky fell asleep.

I get in my car and drive to set to help with the auditions. I see Collins standing in the parking lot waiting for me.

"Hey Collins."
"Hey. So I need you to take this paper and read the names through. Let me know who you want to go first.", he says handing me a sheet of paper.

After Collins walks away, I get out of my car and read the names. One name stops me. Riley Nicholson. Where have I heard that before? I walk over to the room I'm supposed to be in. Collins is waiting for me to give him my answer.

"Riley Nicholson should go first."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2015 ⏰

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