Chapter 1

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You were so excited for the Slender Family reunion, you couldn't wait to see your formal Masters. After the brothers grew up and left home, the only Slender brother was left was now your only Master, Tenderman was the one to take care of you. Tender told you about the reunion, it took place tomarrow. You were so excited that you sat infront of the door, scracthing at it, wanting to leave now. Tender chuckled as he patted your head,

"You have to wait ____. They're not going anywhere." You watched as Tender walked into the livingroom, standing back up on all fours. You walked after him, you saw him sitting on the couch, a cup of hot chocolate in hand. Looking to the side, you saw your faceless teddy bear. Heading towards it, you picked it up and went back to Tenderman. Jumping onto the couch, you layed you head onto his thigh. Your teddy bear layed inbetween your furry arms, Tender ran his long fingers through your (Long/Short) (Fur Color) fur, sometimes sctaching behind your ear. You slowly drifted off to slumber, soon fully fell asleep. Opening your (E/C) eyes, you stood and streched your limbs, looking around you, you noticed that you weren't at home. You than spotted Offenderman, your tail begun to wag. You let out a happy bark and ran towards Offender, as he turned around to face you, he was tackled to the ground. Offender struggled under your large frame as you licked his non-face, you were then pulled off him. Slendy and Masky held onto your (Fav Color) collar, Offender quickly stood up. The two released your collar, that was a mistake to do. As soon as they let go, you tackled Slendy to the ground, doing the same thing you did to Offender not long ago. You heard someone whisle than your name being called afterward, you got off of Slendy and ran up to Tender. He kneeled down and started to scrath behind your ear, causing your foot to thump up and down.

"I'm sorry that _____ tackled you both. It's been a long time since (He/She) seen you two." Slenderman stood up and dusted himself off,

"By the way, wheres Splender and Trendy?" Tender walked towards his two brothers, after a while of sitting there and listening to they're conversation. You growned bored, looking towards the fella with the mask. You walked up to him, sniffing his hand. You flinched back when he moved his hand away and turned his attention to you. You watched as he rested a hand on his knee while slightly bending forward, using his other hand. He slowly reached forward, petting the top of your head. You enjoyed the feeling of someone petting you, the petting soon stopped. You looked up to see that the man that was petting you head left with someone bugging him, You sniffed the air, smelling the fimailer colone of a fimailer Slender brother. Following the scent, you walked into a pair of long legs. Shacking your head, you looked up at the person. You jumped up at Splender, making him look down at you. Splender bend down and sat on the ground, his hands scratching the sides of your head.

"______, you've grown so much! Who's a good dog! You are!" You gave a small bark and jumped on him, causing him to fall backwards with you ontop of Splender. Your large paws layed upon Splender's chest, you licking his face happily. Splender laughed as you continued to lick him, you let out a little whimper as one of Splender's bells bit you. You jumped off him in a hurry, Splender stood up, looking at the one bell with a little glare. He than turned his attention towards you once more, Splender picked up a book. You thought he was going to read til he threw the book, you quickly chased after it. Catching the book in mid air, you ran back to Splenderman. Trenderman walked up to you, he gripped the book. You growled and tugged on it, Trendy pulling back.

"Bad dog! Let go!" You both spent a couple of minutes pulling and tugging on the hard-back book, Offender, Slendy, and Tender came up to Splenderman. They looked down at you and Trendy, Offender and Splender found this really amusing to watch.

"_____, let Trendy's book go." Tenderman walked up to you, flicking your nose. You released the book from your jaw, you whimpered at Tender. When you let your grip go on the book, Trendy fell backwards with "oof." You hung your head low, your (Fur Color) ears covering your face. Trendy sat up, lifting his book up to see the damage that was done to it. He sighed when he saw teeth marks and dog drool on part of it,

"What happened?" Slenderman asked as he helped Trendy up,

"I saw Trendy's book just laying there, ssoooooo~ I threw it." Splender's black smile widen even more, Tender and Slendy looked at their brother with a non-exsited confused look.

"Here (Boy/Girl), come here." You ears rasied from your face, walking towards Splenderman. He begun to scrath behind your ear and your back, your tail once more wagged happily.

"Anyway," Offenderman started,

"Are you sure this is _______.....I mean (He/She) is pretty huge. I remember when _______ was small enough to fit in the palm of my hand." Slenderman now was helping Trendy dust himself off,

"I agree..This dog is bigger than Jeff's, heck it's big enough to even ride." Slenderman concluded,

"But than again, animals do grow." Slendy looked up to Splenderman, Splender looked like he was thinking.

"Are you really thinking that your going to ride (Him/Her)." Splender snapped out of his thinking mode and looked up at Slendy, his hands behind his back.

"Maybe~" Offenderman slapped him up side the head,

"Ow, that hurts." Splender cried, rubbing his head. You barked at Offender, growling at him. He backed off slightly, You angered mood quickly changed to a happy one as you saw Ticci Toby. You let out a bark and ran up to Toby, he turned his head. His eyes widen as he saw you running up to him, he let out a scream and started to run around the yard. The Slender brothers watched as you chased after Toby,

"Doe anyone want to get (Her/Him)?" They all looked at each other,

"Let (Her/Him) chase Toby for a while. (He/She) needs the excise, lets get something to drink?" They were silent then they all agreed, they all walked into the house.

time skip by Ticci Toby being chased by u

The Slender brothers sat at the kitchen table, drinking coffee and talking. Trendy noticed that it was silent outside,

"Should one of us check on them?" Offender perked his head up,

"Check on what?" Trendy face palmed himself,

"On _____ and that kid." Slenderman sighed, he stood up and walked towards the back door. They watched as he left, but he quickly comes back inside.

"You all need to come here," they all sat their cups down and stood to they're feet. The brothers followed Slenderman outside, they saw you laying on the ground. Looking around, they didn't see Toby anywhere.

"_____," You looked up to the person that called your name,

"Where's Toby?" Toby's arm raised up his arm from under you,

"Here." He waved his hand, than it fell back to the ground. The Slender brothers walked up to you,

"_____, please move." You leaned towards the side, Toby weakly crawled out from under your large frame. Jeff was the second to crawl, both Tobi and Jeff was now panting for oxygen. Offenderman and Splenderman were trying to surpress their laughs, you layed back down on your stomach.

"Slendy, move this dog! E.J. and Smile is still in there!" Jeff was now trying his best to move you,

"_____," You looked up at Tenderman,

"If you get up, you'll get some of your favorite dog treats!~" You stood up, walking out of your once spot. When you moved, no one was there. Offenderma walked up to you, you were to busy eating your treats to notice. Offenderman pushed your large body back and fourth, Eyeless Jack and Smile fell out of your (Short/Long) fur. Smile was whimpering as E.J. was panting,

"I saw things, horrible things!" Splender and Offenered started to let out some giggles. Jeff patted Smile, trying to calm him down. Slendy, Tender, and Trendy glared at Offender and Splender. Toby helped Eyeless Jack up and begun to walk towards the large house, after you were done with your treats. You looked up at Eyeless Jack, Toby, Jeff, and Smile, you gave a soft bark and begun to chase after them. They all turned pale then ran towards the house, the Slender brothers sighed and some did a face palm.

"______! Stop!!!" The brothers begun to chase after you,

"_____!" They called your name several times, but you didn't listen and kept running after the small group infront of you.

Slender Brothers X (M/F) Dog ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now