Awkward Love( GaaraXreader Oneshot)

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Me: hi! I'm mangareader90! I would love to do the disclaimer, but I'm busy so my buddy's gonna do it for me!

TheUnknownNinja: That's me!

Shikimaru: mangareader90 made me come on here too, what a drag.

Gaara: was I..........


Lee: I was also youthfully asked to youthfully help with the youthful disclaimer.

TheUnknownNinja *thinking*: Everyone in this room I like, except for Lee, what is mangareader90 doing?

Gaara: ..........mangareader90, why are we all here?

Me: erm, well, you see, gotta go!

TheUnknownNinja: mangareader, what are you doing?

Kiba: Hey, am I late?

Me: nope! Gotta go!

*runs away before TheUnknownNinja can kill her*

Gaara: What was that about?

TheUnknownNinja: Nothing, just cowering at my awesome death glare.

Shikimaru: This is so-

Gaara: Say troublesome and I kill you.

Shikimaru: -bothersome.

TheUnknownNinja: Gaara-kun that wasn't very nice.

Kiba: Yeah! Listen to the hot babe!

*TheUnkownNinja blushes crimson*

Gaara: What'd you say about TheUnknownNinja?

*cracks knuckles*

Lee: I don't think this is supposed to be in the disclaimer guys.......

Kiba: I said she's a hot babe! It's not like she's your girlfriend!

Gaara: really?

*Gaara leans down and kisses TheUnknownNinja*

Gaara: I'm pretty sure this makes her my girlfriend now.

TheUnknownNinja: What just happened?

Naruto: Well apparently Gaara's now your boyfriend dattebayo.

Kiba: Unless you have any objections.....

*Gaara picks TheUnknownNinja up bridal style*

Gaara: She doesn't have any objections, anything else to say before we leave to eat ramen by ourselves?

TheUnknownNinja: Mangareader90 doesn't own Naruto. If she did than NaruHina would be an official couple, and Gaara and I would be dating! Believe it!

Gaara: Yeah, well with that said, like this or I'll kill you.

Kiba: Gaara!

*Hinata walks in*

Hinata: A-are y-you ready t-to go e-eat at IchiRaku's Naruto?


* Naruto drags Hinata off as Gaara carries TheUnknownNinja away*

Shikimaru & Kiba: What now?

Lee: I'm going to go youthfully train!

Kiba: I guess I'll go train with Akamaru.

Shikimaru: I'm going to go sleep, this was so troublesome.


Awkward Love( GaaraXreader Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now