Chapter 6

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Friday Angel's POV
So Angel did Q call your parents last night. I don't think so Ariana because my mom would have made a big deal about it considering I did say he could go fuck himself. Well you should behave today Angel because we have a sub and its Friday. Wait why isn't Q here today. I don't know someone said he was sick but he didn't look sick yesterday just super pissed when you were being bad. Well lets get to class maybe we'll have a cool sub or a cute one Ariana. Hopefully it's not the guy who plays the guitar and flute. You mean the sub who thinks he can play but really can't. You know Angel you can be mean sometimes. Its not mean its just the truth and you know it Ari. Well I'm going to get to class because I care about my education unlike some people cough cough Angel. That's mean Ari. Like you said Angel its not mean its the truth. Well we still got a couple of minutes and we are almost there so we'll be OK. Hey Angel your ass looks fat today what have you been doing to make it so nice and round. Omg Andre why do you have to be such a perv. Its OK Ari I'll handle him. How exactly are you going to handle me Angel because I would prefer a blowjob over a handjob. Wow Andre you know just what to say to make a girl wet. Oh thanks Ariana but I wasn't talking to you so why don't you mind you business. Don't talk to her like that because she is my best friend and if you want any chance with me you're going to have to get her to like you first. Ok Angel I'm sorry Ariana for being mean to you. Its OK Andre but I still don't like you and we should get to class so we aren't late. Let's sit at the back table Ari. Can I sit with you guys too. Just so you can bother me more no thank you Andre. Come on Angel I'll be good. Fine Andre you can sit with us but you today. Wow Angel behaving in construction class that's never happened before. Shut up Andre and that's because we've only been in this class for 2 days and he deserves it because he tried to embarrass me in front of the whole class and then yesterday he was being an asshole. How was he being an asshole. I don't want to talk about it right now Andre. Ok Angel lets just do our work so we can go home.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2015 ⏰

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