A Mizaku Fanfic: The Stairway to Him [BL]

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(For anyone that doesn't know what BL is, it is a romance between boys a.k.a. boy love for short. It is not to be confused with bromance but BL may sprout from bromance.) 

"I don't see why you can't just walk down the stairs."

The blond-haired man grinned at the words of his companion, a confident and sly grin that was only suited for a confident and sly man such as himself. He gazed down at his dark companion from the top of the stairs, his clear blue orbs betraying nothing except utter coolness over his friend's skeptic chocolaty ones.

"I can," Hizaku replied with a smirk. "You have to admit, jumping down the stairs is much cooler, Riku."

Riku, more formally known as Mariku, crossed his arms over his chest and stared up at Hizaku as if he was watching a little kid trying to look cool. "You're going to get hurt Hiza."

"No, I won't," insisted Hiza, not at all betraying the pleasure he felt with his name on Mariku's full succulent lips.

"Yes, you will."

"Absolutely not."

"You do know that the the landing is about five feet above the ground right? And you have to propel yourself across the stairs as you descend as well?"

Hiza grinned even more, if that was even possible. "Which is why this will look even cooler!"

Mariku had no time to prepare. There were only two things he saw: Hiza launching himself off the landing and the high chance of being used as a living pillow to cushion his fall. "Wait wait wait! Let me move first!" As Mariku scrambled to get out of the way, Hiza gracefully landed in front of him, missing him by just a few inches. When Mariku lost his footing and nearly toppled over, Hiza's hand held onto his forearm to steady him.

"Whoa whoa, bae please... I know I'm sexy but don't go falling for me even more," Hiza said with a laugh. When he did not hear the laughter of his friend, that was when he noticed his hand was still holding onto Mariku's arm. Under his hand, Hiza felt the undeniable strength in Mariku's arms, hidden by his warm and cuddly exterior. They were the arms that belonged to someone who bore more than his fair share of burdens, both in his mind and on his body. They belonged to someone who fought his own demons and became the king of them, as evident by scars on his heart not his wrists. They belonged to a man who would protect those he cared about in a heartbeat. 

Hiza's ears turned a bright pink when he realized where his thoughts were heading and he took a step aside to cool his head. This did not go unnoticed by Mariku. 


In one heartbeat, he had Hiza's back pressed against the wall.


In another, his eyes, now glowing a crimson red, locked onto Hiza's.


Hiza couldn't bear to look away from the Mariku's intense gaze and so he just stood there in shock at the sudden turn of events. He couldn't think or hear anything through the sound of his blood furiously pumping in his ears and through the heat that was generated between their bodies. The blonde was so flustered that he almost didn't realize that Riku was leaning in closer. Almost. 


Like a hot knife through butter, Mariku's voice cut through Hiza's daze and instantly the spell was shattered. As Mariku rested his forehead against his friend's, Hiza's eyes finally focused on the man in front of him. There was no overwhelming heat. There were no throbbing of his veins as they got pumped with blood. There was only one thing in his sight and on his mind and that was Mariku.

He only saw the unwavering passion in his scarlet eyes and like a moth drawn to a flame, Hiza leaned in clos-

*in another time and place*

Kitty: Gr- RB what are you doing? Why did you stop just when it was getting good?

Ms. RB: K...Kitty I can't keep going on like this... it's... it's just...

Kitty: But they were finally going to KISS.

Ms. RB: But it's too sudden! Things escalated too quickly and the rush ruins the mo-

Kitty: Girl you know you want them to do more than that.

Ms. RB: ...

Kitty: RB?

Ms. RB: No I don't! The fluffy eagle is my bae I don't wanna share him!

Kitty: ...

Ms. RB: O..okay maybe I do want to write more but... it's... it's just that...

Kitty: Girl what is it?

Ms. RB: I received word from a third party that the fluffy eagle is supposed to be the uke...

Kitty: Oh.

Ms. RB: Yup... now time to redo this...

Kitty: Wait wait no save it!

-------Author's Note-------

Who are these people? Why is this so awkwardly written? Why is this person doing the cliche intro with questions? These guys are the two amazing gamers I have been stalking and shipping for quite some time now. This is awkwardly written because I am biased towards one of them and that makes it difficult to portray him accurately. Cliche intro? I am an awkward writer. One of these goofs dubbed me the "shipping girl" so I have decided to retaliate not with brute force, but with a somewhat fluffy fanfic~ They are simply adorable together and frankly they're the only two real life men I really ship so far, well besides Dan and Phil but they are for another time and place. Be warned that Mariku-sama and Hiza-san are probably out of character and that I may have to take this down once I share this with them. I mean, I did do this out of fun and this is fanfiction but I do want to make sure they're alright with this being out there for you lovely people to read.


Ms. Random Bookworm

P.S. The picture for the chapter is from FlamingFelineEmpress on Deviant Art. Kudos to her for capturing Hiza and Mariku's adorableness! Now I want to write something with the two as little kids playing together...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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