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(aphs POV)

i look at zane then i look at garroth. i say i pick none to zane filled with rage. he says killing garroth it is. garroth! garroth cause me and my husband all this pain. he must die! he has his guard down so i can kill him. wait he yells. zane we will leave this place alone forever, as long as you dont erase memorys of phoenix drop. zane agreed. all of a sudden i remember them now. my people, my friends, my guards. after i was put on a chain by zane. he pulled me away from what i havent had in a year. that was the last time i ever saw them. now i just raise children. they will become shadow knights.

(garroths POV)

it was hard. i either get killed by my love or never see her again. she might not have the best life but at least shes safe. unlike me she is probaly injoying life. i have no reason to live. zoey trys to cheer me up but i have started cutting. i want to take my life today. as i cut myself i say my final words. im waiting for you aph, all the way up here.

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