On the Road

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It's been a few days since we left camp and started down the highway hopefully to find another place to temporarily stay. 

The side of the highway we are on is filled with cars and in them we found supplies!

It's been pretty quiet out lately, haven't seen any walkers lingering around us, at least not yet. 

The radio has stopped working, no more warning signals or anything. I have a feeling that almost everyone has turned into these things and we have no luck finding anyone. If we do find anyone, will they try to kill us? I don't want to find out. I like being on the highway, where it was once noisy and filled with running cars, now is a quiet and collected place for us to stay without anyone harming us. 

Apparently one of our members of the group named Daryl found his way back from hunting squirrels and doesn't know that Rick tied his brother to the roof of a building yet and left him for food. When he finds out i'm guessing he's going to be pretty pissed off.  I know I would be. 

"Alright guys, we're going to make a plan to go back to the city to get my guns I had dropped when I was attacked by that pack of walkers!" announced Rick. "Also we uh left someone behind that we need to go find if he's not dead yet."

"Who did you leave behind? Is it my brother, because I don't see him here!" asked Daryl angrily.

"Uh yeah Daryl listen, Merel was out of control so I was forced to handcuff him to the roof of the building but don't worry the door was locked and no walkers can get it. We'll go get em' I promise." 

"You son of a bitch!" 

Daryl tackled Rick, punching him in the face a few times. I stepped back frightened that this group was going to go to shit. 

Shane stepped in and forcefully pulled Daryl off of Rick while Daryl was still screaming at him.

"Daryl! Daryl! Calm the fuck down we had to leave him! He was being a dick and yelling and tackling everyone!" yelled Shane.

"Fuck yall! You left my brother behind and didn't even care! Imagine if that was your brother!"

Everyone was silent as Daryl threw his squirrels down, picked up his crossbow and spat at Rick's shoes. He walked away mumbling and stomped away angrily, bothered by Rick.

There was a lot of tension a pon all of us these days and Daryl just made it worse. People now are even more worried. I have a bad feeling that this group isn't going to work out as I planned. 

"Ok guys let's make a plan. Glenn, Isabelle, Carl, Daryl, Amanda, Shane and I will go out to look for Merel and my bag of guns while all of the others watch the supplies. Make sure no one steals it, ok?"

"Ok" we replied 

"Let's go!" exclaimed Rick 

We got in the car and headed for the city where hopefully we find our guns and Merle. Even though Merle is a huge dick, we always go back for our people. I hope our guns are still there when we arrive.

I really hope so.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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