Chapter 1

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(Heyy it's been awhile! I've been working on this for so long and this is the best  can do with this chapter so I'm deciding now is the time to publish it and see where it goes! So here is this chapter  again but I changed a few things!)

Kanny McMeow's POV

I was just sitting in my room reading a book,I didn't really have anything else to do today. I was tempted to just call some peeps up to see if they wanted to hang out. 'I'll just do it anyways.' I picked up my phone,while keeping my place in my book, and started scrolling through my contacts.'Iris McSilverfield is in Florida. Maka McBooty is probably busy with work. Hmm....What is Tasha McCormick doing right now?' I thought. I pressed her contact and put the phone to my ear, but it went to voicemail, I shrugged and set my phone beside me.Not long after I set it down, my phone started to ring, a Resident Evil ringtone: The Convoys Theme started to play,'Yay! Tasha is calling back!' I put a bookmark in my book and set to the side.

I answered the phone and put it to my ear. "Hey! I tried calling earlier."

There was an annoyed voice on the other end ."Yea I saw." I made a face."Wait... You're not Tasha, where is she?"

The girl on the other end laughed. "How do you figure?" "I know my best friends voice, so why are you at her house?"

She chuckled. "I live here, duh." She stopped talking to me and responded to someone in the background. "I won't be too mean."

"Yea sure ya do..." I frowned and sat up quickly, moving my auburn hair outta my face. "I do though,just moved in a week ago." "Seriously?" I stood up and went to my dresser. "Uh yea. I just took Tasha's phone and called you."

Mumbles to myself."She never told me about getting a roommate...." I heard her chuckle," Actually, there's like 3 in her house now."

"When was she planning on telling me this?" I heard Tasha in the background saying something about food. "I don't know, and I don't care. Just get your ass here, we have pizza."

I sighed as she hung up, and pulled my jeans on and a red tank top, then I grabbed my phone and left my room while putting my hair up in a loose ponytail. Walking down the hall to the stairs and took a left at the bottom of the stairs, I walked in the kitchen, I went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and took a sip.

"Hey asshole!" My dad yells from his man cave.

I walked out of the kitchen to gave him one of my looks. "What!?"

"What are doing right now??" He asked while lounging in his chair.

"I'm about to go to Tasha's house to hang out, why?" I said, taking another sip of water and grabbing my bag off the chair that I claimed.

"When were you going to tell me that?? huh?"

"Weeeell! I was gonna tell you when I walked out the door!"

"Bull shit! Well, have fun don't stay out late unless you're spending the night!"

"hehe, alright! Love you" I said while i walked to the door and opened it."I'll text you if I am staying or not."

"Alright, love you too" He said before I closed the door.

I walked down my porch and sighed, I'm so glad I get to get out of this big boring house. The kinda house I have is a normal two-story house that I consider not that fancy but we are sorta kinda rich, but not as rich as Tasha's family. I mean my house is walled in cause we don't want random streakers to be waltzing in our yard.

Shaking my head, I got in my car and took the keys outta my bag. After closing the car door, I put the key in the ignition and started the car. 'God. Time to see who this ass is...' I thought as I drove out of the driveway and on my way to Tasha's house.

Tasha McCormick's POV

Groaning, I looked at the girl that was sitting in my desk chair. "Why do you want Kanny over here?"

"I need to tell her something. Oh and I'm hungry." She said while standing up from the chair.

"What is it?" I stood up and followed her out of my room, towards the stairs and across the hall to the kitchen.

"None ya." She opens the fridge and started pulling stuff out to put together and eat. I gave her a look and sat at the table near the fridge,she sighs. " I need to tell her something that's between me and her. So you can't know. Got any chips? I ran out of mine."

"Why can't I know? I'm her best friend! Also that's because you go in a food trance when you're watching something." I stand up and pulled out hot Cheetos and Doritos. "Pick one."

"I know but it's her choice to tell you or not. Not mine. And Doritos." I threw the Doritos at her and she caught it.
"Thanks also could I have some cookies too? I also ran out of mine." Rolling my eyes, I pulled out mint Oreo's." Gosh woman,don't eat all of my oreo's." She nods her thanks and then heard someone pulling through my driveway and a engine getting cut off.

"That must be her." She said while taking a huge bite from this sandwich she made with the Doritos on it and shoving a Oreo in her mouth afterwards.

"Fine, i guess that's true."I stood up."You should make me a sandwich like that later." "kay I will." She walked over to me and held rope in one hand and her sandwich in the other.

"What do you think you're doing with that?" I asked uncertainty.

"No reason. I think it'll be funny."

"The fuck?"

"Don't even worry bout it."

"How do you expect me not to be worried bout it when you have fuckin' rope in your hand?"

"True buuuut gonna let me do it?"

'The hell I am!'

I wasn't gonna let her tie me up like this, that is crazy talk! I'm not into that...or am I? I don't know!

"I'm just joking, I wanted to see your reaction! That was hilarious!" She doubled down laughing her ass off while I stared at her with no emotion on my face.

We both heard the knocking at the front door and the door open, she got herself under control and took another huge bite of her sandwich, then said with a mouth full. "Mustf bef talkingbd to Weff."


She sighed,swallowed her food and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand." You heard me." I shook my head."let's go meet her at the door."

"After I finish this sandwich."

Kanny McMeow's POV

I pulled into Tasha's driveway and turned off the engine. I got out of the car and looked at her two story mansion. It was big as hell and had a wall around it. I walked up to the gate and punched in the code, since I was the only one outside of her family who knew it, and walked back to my car. I drove in and looked in my rear view mirror watching the gate close by itself.

I parked in front one of the garage doors and turned my car off, I got out and looked around. It's been awhile since I've been over here. There are trees everywhere and a fountain in the middle of the yard. I remember when we use to play in the yard a lot, trying to record stuff for our you tube and failing at it cause we always end up on the ground laughing.

I smiled to myself and walked passed the fountain towards the porch, and up the stairs. I knocked a couple times and then used the spare key I had to unlock the door. "Heyo! I'm here! Tasha?"

"Well, I'm here but not Tasha"

"Well shit."

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