chapter one

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last day of collage time to pack my stuff and leave i had so much fun here over the last few years i don't think i wound have made it with out my friends Nora and Lilly . they have been with me through everything like when my dad cheated on my mum they almost broke up but their trying to work things out now so i guess that good i don't know how i could have got through that with out my girls by my side .so now we are done with collage and we are moving in to  a little apartment we got in new York it going to be fun all three of us living together i though as i put the last of my thing in a box as i was closing it up one of the moving guys came through the front door is that the last one he ask yes i said and step back to let him pick it up off the floor OK he said i will just bring it down and put it in the van for you .and he pick it up and smile at me and left the room just as he left Nora came in" you ready she said with a big smile on her face yes i am i said as i put one of my arms around her neck and we walk to door where Lilly i asked . flirting with one of the moving guy Nora said "did she even help pack are stuff " come on this is Lilly where talking about of course she didn't Nora said what are we going to do with her i said as we walk outside .you tell me Nora laughed and said .

 A little later that day

finally i said as i dropped my self down on to the sofa "we are finally done unpacking i see you helped us this time Lilly i said as i turn and look at Lilly spread out on the floor . i did not know i owned so much things oh yeah Alex you need to get ready for your new job and remember where going shopping later where do you want us to meet you Lilly said oh yes i better get a move on before am late and i will meet you here i will just pull up out side and you guys can just come down and meet me in the car i said as i stood up .where going to have so much fun when we go out dancing tonight am going to show all them damn boys my moves on the dance floor Nora said sure you will i said as i went in my bedroom to get ready work am so nervous because am starting a new job i mean it just a waitress job but the pay good i thought as i pick up my bag and keys and left the bedroom . alright i will see you later i will text you when am done with work i said as i walk over to them by the front door .OK Nora said see you later you be a good girl now and listen to the big man don't let me have to come down their Lilly said as she talk to me like as if i was a little child . do i look like your child i said as i open the front door . even though you don't have a child i said girl please am way to young and pretty to have no baby now go before your late she said OK bye i laughed and said as left the house i walk down to the elevator i really hope i don't mess up today as i thought i got in to the elevator .

Alex table 6 food ready " OK i said i pick up the plate and walked over to the table . here you go sir is their anything else i can get you with that i said as i put the plate down on the table " no thanks he said as "he started to dig into he food OK let me know if you need anything i said and then walk over to to the counter and pick up the coffee mug and walked over to table 4 would you like a refill ma'am i asked "yes please she said " and i topped up here cup will that be all ma'am i asked oh am fine thanks she said OK let me know if theirs anything else i can get you i said and walked back over to the counter and put their coffee mug down Alex table 3 food ready " OK i said and picked up the plate and i turn round i stopped as i felt the hair on the back of my neck rise i felt like someone was watching me who ever it was they won't in the shop so i look out the window but their was to much people walking pass outside to be able to tell if someone is watching me. is something wrong Jason asked as he walk over to the counter and picked up table 5 drinks . what did you say i said as i turn and looked at him " is something wrong he asked again with a worried expression on his face . oh am fine i said as i put the plate i had in my hand down and tried to fix my hair back out of my face .here use this he said and handed me a hair band from behind the counter are you sure your OK you looked really spooked just now he asked really am fine i said as i toke the hair band from him and used it to put my hair back " thanks i said for the hair band . don't worry about it you mite want to bring table 3 their food he said and walked off to table 5 when i was done with my hair i picked back up table 3 order and walk over to the table and tried to put the feeling like i was being watched out my mind who ever it was their probably gone now i told myself.

Later on as i was getting ready to leave work Jason said heading home are you. yes I am I replied  I was meant to go shopping after work but I work longer than I thought I would i said as I texted Nora and lily ( I don't think i going to make it back in time to go shopping i just finish work talk about it when i get home) and i sent the message . so are you just going to go home and roll up in your bed Jason asked " no me and the the girls are going clubbing tonight i said oh that sound fun he said as he pick up he coat as he was getting ready leave . i know we just met but your free to come along if you want i said really he asked yes i said but as friends of course i said of course just as friends he said as he wrote something down on a paper here you go my number text me the details and i will meet you their . OK i said as i took the paper and put it in my coat pocket " see you later i said and turn around to leave bye see you he called out after me I left and I went there and off through the front door and went across the road to the parking lot Under the shopping center when I got to the shopping center i walked over to the parking lot i went in the elevator and press the button to go down to the ground floor when i was in the elevator i started to search in my bag for for my car keys .  because me and the girls are not going to be able to go clothes shopping later on for when we go clubbing am going to have to try and search my stuff for something to where i though ping doors opening  i step out and stared to walk to find my car as i was walking the ceiling lights started to flicker . i really hate having to work this late mostly because this parking lot is creepy and it starting to get dark i though as i was walk the hair at the back of my neck stood up like it did earlier today .i spun around " hello is their someone their "but i heard no reply but then i started to hear foot step on the floor .hello i said in a more low voice this time as i looked around and then i saw a shadow starting to walk  to me whoever it was they were starting to walk faster and faster toward me and they were moving faster than i have ever seen anyone  move before  . i could not see who it was as they can at me faster i started to run. oh my god oh my god i said as i ran i pulled the keys out my bag i pressed my keys to unlock my car and i saw the head lights flashed  in the distance i ran as fast as my leg could take me " help please someone help me . HELP i scream  who ever it was that was running behind ran and crash in to the back of me and i want crashing to the floor and my head slammed against the ground and then everything went black.

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