Finding Him

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Hey Guys! Just to let you know, before i start, that i am from england, so this will be an english story, obviously if you guys are confused, just say and i'll try and change it, thanks xxx

I drummed my fingers on the hardwood table, my eyes fixed on the clock that hung on the wall, willing it to jump around half an hour.

I wished the sisterhood of the school haden't been completley destroyed by the infestation of boys.

I wished Mr.Saunders haden't announced that the seven new seats at the back would be shortly filled by seven new boys.

I wished i haden't been awkwardly placed in the middle of those seven new seats.

Every girl glared at me in envy, Every girl wished to be me, Every girl apart from me. I was the only one who could see that for years, and years, our school had gained a reputation for the sisterhood it held, but friends were turning on friends, sister turning on sister, because each girl wanted to get their hot pink nails on a Bennett Boy.

I rested my forehead on the desk, mentally cursing my aunt for allowing Dr.Phillips, new head of science, to bring his boys to OUR school, our GIRLS school.

Unfourtunatly, it was to late to persuade my aunt that the boy's were infact evil masterminds trying to wipe out the excistence of the Rosmary Academy. No, for you just had to take a look at their headmaster to know they couldn't even plan an attack against Ella Mayfield, dimmest girl alive.

The boys strolled in, right in the middle, to their misfourtune, of one of Mr.Saunders famous lectures, this time about the oak tree, not that i had heard a word. I kept my head down, concentrating on the small dent that had appeared in the desk wood.

I blocked out Mr.Saunders voice, telling the class who these new boys were, their names, their nationality's, not that i was listening anyway. All i know is their was Josh, Mick, Eddie, Ronan, Harry, Kody, and Ryan. Also that two of which were greek, one irish and the rest english, not that i was listning.

I heard the footsteps of boys, the whispering and wolf whisteling of girls, and my heart thudding in my chest. I ignored the boys, who had brung complete pandomonia to the class room, and i could suddenly smell the scent of cherry, candy floss, strawberry, peach and coco lipgloss, the sound of mascara lids untwisting, the whispers of girls begging for the next girl's pocket mirror.

I waited, until Mr.Sauders had continued with the lesson, to dare to look up. Infront of me where two boys, beside me their were two boys, behind me there were three. I groaned, and tried to focus on Mr.Sauders lecture again, although the words didn't make sense anymore, i was to sidetracked about our newcomers.

" Hey", i heard a whisper from my left, i turned to meet eyes with the boy sitting beside me. His blue eyes shone under the glass room lights, he had dark, scruffy hair, that stuck up in all the right places. He was obviously not irish, probably not greek, but anywho, he was gorgues.

I sat there, like a fish, as i do, my fingers waggeling stupidly. " Hey, i'm Harry" he whispered, taking in the fact that Mr.Saunders doesn't take bad behaviour well. " Jayleen" i replied, hushing my voice too.

" Jayleen" he nodded, almost trying it out on his tounge, i rolled my eyes, and sank back into my chair, as Mr.Sauders' voice bellowed through the classroom.

" Miss Marie, if you have something to say, i'm sure you wouldn't mind saying in to the class" he warned. I shook my head, and he turned back to the dent in the desk. A few seconds passed, before a note landed in on my desk, with my name scrawled on it.

' Guess Mr. Saunders isen't a fan of yours, - H ', i picked up my black biro, and scribbled under neath his writing, before shoving it back on his desk.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2011 ⏰

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