Chapter 1

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I knew as soon as I stepped into his office early on that winter Monday, I was out of place. Everyone here was in a suit, dressed so professional.. So modish like they'd walked out a magazine. Taking a left turn as though I know this route. Oh wait, I do. The countless amount of times I have trailed these halls to moan at the man himself.. It's killing me.

The door was coming into perfect view. 500 more metres... 400... 300...200...100... Crap. I'm at the door knocking before my anxiety drags me away from the situation. Opening the door I saw his face light up in a disapproving way. Like he didn't want me there. Truthfully, I know he doesn't.. I'm just the girl that happens to do make-up. I happen to be an artist under his label.

As he looked at me I could tell he didn't know my name. Why would he know me I'm no one in his eyes. Do I make him money? Hell no. I help other people make money. Back to the point. Coming back to realisation in the office I spoke up about the one thing I knew most.

"Hi... Simon. I came to ask you urh a few things if that's alright with you?" Why am I letting the nerves get the better of me. Stop I think to myself.

"Oh, nothing new then. What's it going to be this time aye, you want a pay rise? You want more make-up to work with? Or is it to do WIH that petty band you make look slightly more pretty?" He replies with a sly grin across his face.

"Simon you know those boys are like my brothers, how can you treat them like they've done nothing for you. Your whole business is practically them. Besides the point. I want you to allow their relationships to blossom. You may think I'm silly but honestly, not only does it help them it helps the band and think publicity!!" I through in the idea of how it will look good in the public eye because I know he only cares about the stupid money. Not the poor boys lives.

"Jess, listen to me. They are not going on a break because I don't care what you say. If those boys had the guts to ask me themselves then maybe it's a different story. But you know what because two of them, behind closed doors are into the same gender, they are too wimpy... Pathetic..  Fragile to bother asking themselves"

"Simon you have ruined them. You have stopped anything happening that might. They are all practically my broth-" I start to reply before I'm cut of by his domineering voice "Do I look like I care? No. So get out my office before I fire your sorry arse."

I turn on my heels, guilt sinking inside of me. I know that now I have to make the call and tell the boys what's gone on. They are going to be so disappointed in me I can sense it. Slamming the door as I leave I pull my phone out my pocket ready to dial the number.

In the elevator and out again before I could blink... Posh idiots having fast lifts. I stroll with my head high past security into the car park. Spotting my car I drag my tired feet over, before rooting through my makeup heavy, receipt ridden bag. Finding my keys I clamber into my car as least elegantly as possible. Now sitting in my car I pull the contact name up on my phone. Clicking on Louis first I know he will answer, he's always trying to complete a new level of angry birds or whatever the heck he plays these days.

It dials and as he answers I feel my breakfast rise into my throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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