Chapter 25

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Chapter 25-

"I still choose Cheri"

"You can't do this, Harry!" Ashley yells then she turns round to face Susie.

"If Harry chooses Cheri then I quit!" she seethes.

Susie looks taken aback "I think we should all calm down and we can talk about this, okay?" she says worriedly "We don't need anyone quitting".

"I know Ashley, it's just a kiss" Harrys says looking mildly irritated.

Ashley whips round to glare at Harry "So does this mean you're breaking up with me then?"

"No, I never said that" he says flatly.

"Your not?" I say sharply.

How can he say he wants to kiss me but still want to stay with Ashley.

Harry's facial expression softens, as he looks at me "What I meant to say is, I don't know becau-".

"What do you mean you don't know?!" Ashley screeches loudly.

"I don't know because you keep acting like this," he says pointing at her while she glares at him.

"Like what?!" Ashley says threateningly.

"Like a bitch" I say smirking at her.

Ashley turns round to face me "What did you just say?"

"Oh, do you want me to repeat it?" I say smirking, I've had enough of Ashley and pretending to be nice when there's people around.

Finally Ashley loses it and she leaps at me, knocking both of us to the ground.

My back hits the hard ground and Ashley quickly scrambles on to her knees.

She raises her hand to slap me but before she can, Harry has pulled her off the ground and is restraining her.

Ashley starts screaming in frustration.

"Let me go, Harry!" she yells.

"Ashley, calm down" Harry says slowly, seeming unaffected by Ashley's screaming.

"Have you lost your mind" Zoë says in disgust as Ashley tries to kick Harry to get free from Harrys firm grip on her. Luckily Ashley isn't the strongest person and Harry manages to miss her feeble kick.

"Well, look who's talking" Ashley fires back- Niall suddenly jumps into the argument as soon as Ashley has insulted Zoë.

Suddenly everyone starts to argue and Susie has to yell to get us all to listen.

"Listen!" she yells "We can't be filming when a fight could break out again at any second, so I have come to a conclusion". Everyone looks at her quizzically wondering what she is going to say.

"Filming will be cut short today and when you come back tomorrow everything must be sorted out and agreed on, understood?" she says sharply everyone nods obediently.

"And next time we come in, we'll have to catch up on the shots we missed today" she snaps.

Harry releases Ashley who glares at me but doesn't make a move to attack me again and we all silently leave the room.

Everyone goes to studio rooms to change back into their normal clothes apart from Ashley who leaves with out saying anything.

Zoë shakes her head as we get changed "I don't see why Harrys still with Ashley".

I sigh, "Neither do I"

"I think he likes you, that's why it puzzles me why he's still with Ashley" Zoë says frowning slightly.

"I don't think he does".

"He does, I can tell," she says grinning.

I shrug my shoulders because I can't be bothered to argue whether or not he does.

"See you tomorrow" I say giving her a small smile.

I make my way to the entrance were Harrys standing, waiting for me.

"Hi, did you see where Ashley went?" he says lightly.

"No, she already left" I say sharply.

"Oh, cos we need to sort out this whole mess before tomorrow, like Susie said to" Harry says softly.

We walk silently to the car park, where Louis is waiting.

We get in and then finally Harry speaks.

"Louis, can you stop by Ashley's house, Cheri and I are supposed to talk to her about today". Louis nods and starts the car while Harry gives him directions. I was more than a bit curious to see what Ashley's house looked like, would it a mansion complete with statues of Ashley herself?

After around ten minutes, we finally get there. I peered out the window as the car pulled up to see a very pink house. I held in a laugh.

It was exactly how Ashley would have, I don't think I really expected anything less. The house was literally painted all light pink apart from the borders of the windows and the doors, which were white.

The garden had perfectly trimmed grass and flowers planted around the sides- though I doubt Ashley did it her self, she probably hired a gardener.

It was very Barbie like, which I suppose was sort of like Ashley since they both had one thing in common- they were both fake.

"Louis, hopefully we'll only be about twenty minutes, you don't mind waiting do you?" Harry asked worriedly.

"No, I can listen to music, I've got a new album anyway" he said holding up a cover with a band on it.

Harry nodded and then opens the car door for me as I hopped out. We walked up the short pathway to the door and then Harry rang the doorbell.

We waited but no one came to the door.

"That's weird, Ashley's cars here so she must be in" Harry says scrunching up his eyebrows in confusion as we looked at the car parked in the driveway next to Louis's.

"Ring again" I say, pushing the doorbell harder.

"She has to be in" Harry says as he tries the front door handle, surprisingly it opens.

"Why's the door been left open?" I say perplexed.

Harry shrugs "Maybe she just forgot, She's probably upstairs that why she didn't hear us".

I nod and we cautiously open the door and walk into the hallway.

Ashley?" I call uncertainly, feeling weird just wandering into someone's house.

I hear a noise upstairs and I look over to Harry.

"Did you hear that?" I ask.

"Yeah" he says nodding.

"She must be upstairs then".

He nods in agreement and we slowly make our way up the stairs.

We get to the top of the stairs and then listen to see if we can hear Ashley. I hear a creak of floorboards come from one of the rooms.

"That's her bedroom" Harry whispers, I walk towards it and then knock on the door.

"Ashley?" I say unsure.

No-one reply's so I decide to open the door since there's obviously someone in there.

Harry stays behind me as I swing open the door to reveal who's in there.

I freeze in shock and let out a gasp.

There lay Ashley and another guy - She cheating on Harry, right in front of his eyes.


Aha what can I say, we had to get rid of Ashley eventually, right? ;)

Competition is going up tonight- who would be interested in making a banner for the side of a chapter? x

Chapter dedicated to @jirehalyxys, her comment was cute :)

Next Chapter dedicated to a commenter xo

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